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史浩东 许家伟 张健 吴洪波 王超 刘壮 战俊彤 李英超 付强

史浩东, 许家伟, 张健, 吴洪波, 王超, 刘壮, 战俊彤, 李英超, 付强. 强光背景下主动偏振成像方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(5): 1075-1086. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0151
引用本文: 史浩东, 许家伟, 张健, 吴洪波, 王超, 刘壮, 战俊彤, 李英超, 付强. 强光背景下主动偏振成像方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(5): 1075-1086. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0151
SHI Hao-dong, XU Jia-wei, ZHANG Jian, WU Hong-bo, WANG Chao, LIU Zhuang, ZHAN Jun-tong, LI Ying-chao, FU Qiang. Active polarization imaging method under strong light background[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1075-1086. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0151
Citation: SHI Hao-dong, XU Jia-wei, ZHANG Jian, WU Hong-bo, WANG Chao, LIU Zhuang, ZHAN Jun-tong, LI Ying-chao, FU Qiang. Active polarization imaging method under strong light background[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1075-1086. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0151


基金项目: 吉林省科技发展计划项目(No. YDZJ202301ZYTS417)


  • 中图分类号: O436.3

Active polarization imaging method under strong light background

Funds: Supported by the Jilin Scientific and Technological Development Program (No. YDZJ202301ZYTS417)
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  • 图 1  辐射模型角度示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of radiation model angle

    图 2  不同目标在入射角为20°时的线偏振度分布。(a)金色聚酰亚胺薄膜;(b)铝板;(c)太阳能电池板

    Figure 2.  The distribution of Dolp of different targets at the incident angle of 20°. (a) Gold polyimide film; (b) aluminum plate; (c) solar panels

    图 3  实验原理图

    Figure 3.  Experimental schematic diagram

    图 4  暗室积分球逆光实验装置图

    Figure 4.  Darkroom integrating sphere backlighting experiment setup

    图 5  逆光状态下金色聚酰亚胺薄膜、铝板、太阳能电池板(从左到右)非偏与偏振图像对比图。(a)、(b)、(c)非偏图像(d)、(e)、(f)偏振图像

    Figure 5.  Comparison of unpolarized and polarized images of gold polyimide film, aluminum plate, and solar panel (from left to right) under backlight state. (a), (b) and (c) are unpolarized images and (d), (e) and (f) are polarized images

    图 6  不同目标在不同束散角下观测角为30°时的偏振度分布特征。(a)金色聚酰亚胺薄膜;(b)铝板;(c)太阳能电池板

    Figure 6.  Polarization distribution characteristics of different targets at 30° observation angle with different beam dispersion angles for (a) gold polyimide film, (b) aluminum plate and (c) solar panels

    图 7  不同目标在90°观测角时在不同束散角下的线偏振度变化曲线。(a)金色聚酰亚胺薄膜;(b)铝板;(c)太阳能电池板

    Figure 7.  Variation curves of linear polarization at different divergence angles for different targets at 90° observation angle. (a) Gold polyimide film. (b) Aluminum plate; (c) Solar panels

    图 8  铝板在同一观测角和入射角、不同束散角下线偏振度随光斑半径变化曲线

    Figure 8.  The curve of spot radius versus linear polarization for aluminum plate at the same observation angle, the same incident angle and the different beam scattering angle

    图 9  实验仿真对比图

    Figure 9.  The comparison of experimental and simulation results

    图 10  室外太阳逆光实验现场图

    Figure 10.  Outdoor sun backlight experimental site

    图 11  室外太阳背景下不同探测器得到的图像。(a)可见光工业相机;(b)偏振低照度相机

    Figure 11.  Images captured by (a) visible light industrial cameras and (b) polarized low illumination cameras under outdoor sun background

    表  1  定标实验结果

    Table  1.   Results of calibration experiments

    定标参数 参数数值
    积分球输出功率/mW 20.920
    激光输出功率/W 2.080
    偏振片消光比 0.517
    黑布吸收率 0.996
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    表  2  成像、照明系统的主要技术参数

    Table  2.   Main technical parameters of imaging and lighting systems

    系统 指标 参数
    可见光偏振相机响应波段/μm$0.3 \sim 0.7 $
    靶面分辨率$2\;464 \times 2\;056$
    白光激光器输出波段/μm$0.3 \sim 0.7$
    束散角/(°)$ 3 \sim 11$
    输出流明值/lm$ \geqslant 230$
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    表  3  强光背景下不同目标的实验结果

    Table  3.   Experimental results of different targets under strong background light

    目标 图像对比度
    非偏图像 线偏振度图像
    金色聚酰亚胺薄膜 0.36 0.65
    铝板 0.45 0.80
    太阳能电池板 0.24 0.48
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    表  5  室外强光背景下不同探测模式的实验结果

    Table  5.   Experimental results of different detection modes under strong outdoor light background

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    表  4  成像系统主要技术参数

    Table  4.   Main technical parameters of imaging system

    相机类型 指标 参数
    可见光工业相机 响应波段/μm $0.3 \sim 0.7$
    镜头焦距/mm 25
    光圈数 16
    靶面分辨率 $2\;046 \times 2\;046 $
    像元尺寸/μm 5.5
    灵敏度/lx 0.01
    低照度相机 响应波段/μm $0.3 \sim 0.7$
    镜头焦距/mm 25
    光圈数 16
    靶面分辨率 $1\;920 \times 1\;080$
    像元尺寸/μm 12
    灵敏度/lx 10−4
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