Abstract:Strain reconstruction is a vital component in the characterization of mechanical properties of phase-contrast optical coherence tomography (PC-OCT). It requires an accurate calculation for gradient distributions on the differential wrapped phase map. In order to address the challenge of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in phase gradient calculation under severe noise interference, a Bayesian-neural-network-based phase gradient calculation is presented. Initially, wrapped phase maps with varying levels of speckle noise and their corresponding ideal phase gradient distributions are generated through a computer simulation. These wrapped phase maps and phase gradient distributions serve as the training datasets. Subsequently, the network learns the “end-to-end” relationship between the wrapped phase maps and phase gradient distributions in a noisy environment by utilizing a Bayesian inference theory. Finally, the wrapped phase measured by PC-OCT is processed by Bayesian neural network (BNN), and the high-quality distribution of phase gradients is accurately predicted by inputting the measured wrapped phase-difference maps into the network. Additionally, the statistical process introduced by BNN allows for the utilization of model uncertainty in the quantitative assessment of the network predictions’ reliability. Computer simulation and three-point bending mechanical loading experiment compare the performance of the BNN and the popular vector method. The results indicate that the BNN can enhance the SNR of estimated phase gradients by 8% in the presence of low noise levels. Importantly, the BNN successfully recovers the phase gradients that the vector method is unable to calculate due to the unresolved phase fringes in the presence of strong noise. Moreover, the BNN model uncertainty can be used to quantitatively analyze the prediction errors. It is expected that the contribution of this work can offer effective strain estimation for PC-OCT, enabling the internal mechanical property characterization to become high-quality and high-reliability.
图 4 不同方法估计的相位梯度结果。(a)不同噪声等级的相位图;(b)理论相位梯度结果;(c)矢量法;(d)贝叶斯神经网络;(e)贝叶斯神经网络模型不确定度;(f)网络预测结果的误差分布
Figure 4. Phase gradient estimated using different methods. (a) Phase maps with different noise levels; phase gradient results obtained by (b) theorectical calculation; (c) vector method and (d) Bayesian neural network; (e) BNN model uncertainty; (f) error distributions of phase gradient by using BNN model
图 7 相位退相关实验结果。(a)-(b) 加载量分别为12 μm和14 μm对应的差分包裹相位;(c)-(d) 贝叶斯网络估计的相位梯度结果;(e)-(f) 贝叶斯网络的模型不确定度
Figure 7. Experimental results of phase decorrelation. (a)-(b) Wrapped phase-difference maps corresponding to the loading 12 μm and 14 μm, respectively; (c)-(d) results of phase gradient estimated using BNN; (e)-(f) BNN model uncertainty
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