Abstract:To address the issues of blurred edge details and poor contrast in multi-scale transform fused images obtained using remote sensing detection methods for mixed background features, an image fusion method that combines the sparse representation of non-downsampled contour wavelet transform and a guided filter is utilised to enhance the quality and visual appearance of the fused images. This method involves several steps: firstly, a multi-scale and multi-directional decomposition is performed on both spectral and polarimetric images using non-downsampled contour wavelet transform to isolate the feature information in each subband; secondly, the low-frequency subbands are fused using a sparse representation to minimize the loss of contrast in the fused image; additionally, the high-frequency subbands are fused through a bootstrap filter to enhance the detail information and the contours of the image; finally, the low-frequency and high-frequency fusion coefficients are inverted using non-downsampled contour wavelet inversion to generate the final fused image. Analysis results indicate that the contrast of the fused image is improved by up to 54.5% and 15.4% respectively compared to the original spectral image and the polarimetric image, making it easier to distinguish objects in shadows under a mixed background. This method is used to fuse spectral and polarimetric images captured by a polarimetric spectral imager at different wavelengths, which resulted in true-colour reproduction. These true-colour restored images demonstrate that this fusion method retains environmental information within the mixed background while distinguishing the object from the background, effectively improving the image quality of polarization spectral remote sensing detection imaging. This method can enhance the integrity and authenticity of image information in polarization spectral remote sensing detection imaging, thereby expanding its application scope in remote sensing detection of complex environments and image recognition.
表 1 低频子带融合的客观评价结果
Table 1. Objective evaluation metric results of low-frequency sub-band fusion
指标融合规则 区域方差匹配度 取平均 权重融合 稀疏表示 MI 1.6685 1.4523 1.6238 1.9777 Qw 0.6408 0.6324 0.7241 0.7822 表 2 高频轮廓信息的客观评价结果
Table 2. Evaluation metric results of high-frequency contour information
评价指标 PCNN 边缘探测 绝对值取大 引导滤波 SSIM 0.7354 0.6821 0.6378 0.7562 Qab/f 0.5916 0.4481 0.4507 0.5988 表 3 偏振光谱成像仪的指标
Table 3. Indicators of polarization spectral imager
性能指标 参数值 波长范围/nm 400~900 光谱分辨率 优于2 nm F/# 3 视场角/(°) ±4.1 分辨率 2448×2048 像元尺寸/μm 3.45×3.45 光学尺寸/inch 2/3 帧率 36 fps@2448×2048 表 4 参考方法与本文方法各分量融合图像评价指标
Table 4. The evaluation indexes of image fusion of each component for the reference method and the proposed method
融合图像 评价指标 MI SSIM Qab/f Qw 参考方法I融合结果 2.7623 0.7182 0.6147 0.8367 本文I融合结果 2.8031 0.7387 0.6393 0.8625 参考方法DoLP融合结果 1.9765 0.6376 0.5733 0.7615 本文DoLP融合结果 2.7342 0.7023 0.6142 0.8222 参考方法AoP融合结果 1.6681 0.5679 0.4935 0.6138 本文AoP融合结果 1.7437 0.6755 0.5883 0.7004 表 5 参考方法与本文方法的HSI伪彩色图像评价指标
Table 5. The evaluation indexes of HSI pseudo-colored images for the reference method and the proposed method
不同方法 评价指标 PSNR SSIM 参考方法HSI融合结果 22.81 dB 0.6431 本文方法HSI融合结果 28.52 dB 0.6947 表 6 不同融合方法评价结果
Table 6. Evaluation results of different fusion methods
融合方法 评价指标 MI SSIM Qab/f Qw CNN 2.2343 0.6434 0.5662 0.7787 GFF 1.7685 0.5862 0.5137 0.7507 LP-SR 2.1132 0.6361 0.5354 0.7427 CVT-SR 2.2356 0.6053 0.5833 0.7706 NSCT-SR 2.5835 0.5965 0.5350 0.7582 本文方法 2.7342 0.7023 0.6142 0.8222 表 7 原始真彩图像及融合后的真彩图像的客观评价结果
Table 7. Evaluation indexes of original true color image and fused true color image
真彩图像 评价指标 PSNR SSIM 原始真彩图像 33.72 dB 0.8672 融合后的真彩图像 36.87 dB 0.9104 -
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