Abstract:Space-borne two-dimensional turntables are the main bearing mechanism of space cameras and other optoelectronic equipment, and the U-frame is the key supporting part of these turntables. In order to optimize the structure and lightweight design of the U-frame of the two-dimensional turntable and to develop a lightweight two-dimensional turntable with a high load-bearing ratio, we design a U-frame for the space two-dimensional turntable based on Carbon Fiber Reinforce Plastics (CFRP). First, a variable cross-section tubular structure U-frame was designed using carbon fiber composites instead of titanium alloy material considering the manufacturability. Then, according to the finite element modeling method based on the lay-up process, the carbon fiber U-frame was subjected to finite element modeling and simulation analysis. Then, a prototype U-frame was fabricated, and modal tests verified the accuracy of the finite element model. Finally, a three-level optimization method combining theoretical analysis, genetic algorithm, and the finite element method was proposed to optimize the design of carbon fiber U-frame ply angle, ply thickness, and ply sequence. The results indicate that the vibration patterns of the U-frame obtained from the modal test and simulation are identical and that the frequency difference is less than 5%. The initial design of the carbon fiber U-frame is 45.7% lighter than the titanium U-frame. Through the secondary optimization of the composite layup, the U-frame is further reduced in weight by 13.8%. Additionally, the intrinsic frequency of the U-frame is improved by 10.14%. It can be concluded that the composite modeling and optimization methods used in this paper are correct, and the designed carbon fiber U-frame meets the lightweight design requirements of space-born two-dimensional turntable.
表 1 U型架所用材料属性
Table 1. Properties of materials used for U-frame
材料 弹性
(g·cm−3)铝合金 71000 71000 71000 27000 0.3 2.7 碳纤维M40J 220000 8200 8200 5100 0.3 1.6 表 2 碳纤维U型架铺层方式
Table 2. CFRP U-frame layering method
铺层区域 单层厚度/mm 层数 总厚度/mm 铺层顺序 整体 0.133 27 3.591 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0] 顶部加强区 过渡区1 30 3.990 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0/−45/45/0] 过渡区2 33 4.389 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0/−45/45/0/45/90/0/
−45/45/0]过渡区3 36 4.788 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0/−45/45/0/45/90/0/−45/45/0/90/0/−45/45/90/0/−45/45/0] 底部加强区 过渡区1 31 4.123 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0/−45/45/0/90] 过渡区2 35 4.655 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0/45/90/0/0/−45/45/0/] 过渡区3 38 5.054 [0/90/45/03/−45/0/0/−45/02/−45/03/45/0/90/0/45/0/90/0/902/0/90/0/−45/45/90/0/0/
−45/45/0/90]表 3 碳纤维U型架模态仿真分析结果
Table 3. Modal simulation analysis results of CFRP U-frame
模态类型 阶次 仿真频率/Hz 仿真振型 约束模态 一阶 80.21 左臂左右摆 二阶 84.20 右臂左右摆 三阶 107.27 左臂前后摆 四阶 113.15 右臂前后摆 自由模态 一阶 80.30 两臂开合摆 二阶 168.11 两臂前后摆 三阶 248.81 两臂左右摆 表 4 钛合金U型架与碳纤维U型架对比分析
Table 4. Comparison of modal simulation analysis results for CFRP U-frame and titanium U-frame
项目 钛合金U型架 碳纤维U型架 质量/kg 19.90 10.80 厚度 5 mm(筋4 mm) 变厚度 一阶频率/Hz 83.60 80.21 最大应力/MPa 2.29 1.26 应力集中 明显 不明显 表 5 模态试验结果与有限元分析结果对比
Table 5. Comparison between modal test results and finite element analysis results
模态类型 阶次 仿真频率/Hz 试验频率/Hz 误差 约束模态 一阶 80.21 83.20 3.6% 二阶 84.20 87.90 4.2% 三阶 107.27 112.79 4.9% 四阶 113.15 117.39 3.6% 自由模态 一阶 80.30 84.42 4.9% 二阶 168.11 170.29 2.4% 三阶 248.81 252.76 3.3% 表 6 自由尺寸优化迭代过程
Table 6. Iterative process of free size optimization
迭代步 质量(kg) 优化前后
频率对比0 13.64 +20.82% 87.61 +8.44% 1 11.55 +6.49% 84.52 +5.10% 2 9.92 −8.15% 83.33 +3.74% 3 9.37 −13.24% 83.79 +4.27% 4 9.07 −16.02% 83.62 +4.08% 5 8.92 −17.41% 83.38 +3.80% 6 8.83 −18.24% 83.23 +3.63% 7 8.79 −18.61% 83.14 +3.52% 8 8.77 −18.80% 83.09 +3.47% 表 7 尺寸优化迭代过程
Table 7. Iterative process of size optimization
迭代步 质量
固有频率对比0 12.20 +11.48% 107.65 +25.50% 1 10.38 +3.89% 95.65 +16.15% 2 9.25 −14.35% 83.29 +3.71% 3 9.32 −13.70% 86.42 +7.20% 4 9.28 −14.07% 86.52 +7.30% 5 9.31 −13.80% 87.33 +8.16% 表 8 U型架对比分析
Table 8. Comparative analysis of U-frames
项目 钛合金U型架 碳纤维U型架 铺层优化碳纤维U型架 质量 19.90 kg 10.80 kg 9.31 kg 一阶频率 83.60 Hz 80.21 Hz 89.26 Hz 最大应力 2.29 MPa 1.26 MPa 1.76 MPa -
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