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赵航宇 王道斌 张硕 黄全盛 温坤 李广富 元丽华

赵航宇, 王道斌, 张硕, 黄全盛, 温坤, 李广富, 元丽华. 基于实虚交替导频的CO-OFDM-OQAM通信系统激光器相位噪声抑制方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(4): 950-958. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0230
引用本文: 赵航宇, 王道斌, 张硕, 黄全盛, 温坤, 李广富, 元丽华. 基于实虚交替导频的CO-OFDM-OQAM通信系统激光器相位噪声抑制方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(4): 950-958. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0230
ZHAO Hang-yu, WANG Dao-bin, ZHANG Shuo, HUANG Quan-sheng, WEN Kun, LI Guang-fu, YUAN Li-hua. Laser phase noise suppression method for a CO-OFDM-OQAM communication system with real-imaginary-alternate pilots[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(4): 950-958. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0230
Citation: ZHAO Hang-yu, WANG Dao-bin, ZHANG Shuo, HUANG Quan-sheng, WEN Kun, LI Guang-fu, YUAN Li-hua. Laser phase noise suppression method for a CO-OFDM-OQAM communication system with real-imaginary-alternate pilots[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(4): 950-958. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0230


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2023-0230
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 62141505,No. 61367007);甘肃省自然科学基金(No. 20JR10RA154)


  • 中图分类号: TN913.7

Laser phase noise suppression method for a CO-OFDM-OQAM communication system with real-imaginary-alternate pilots

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62141505, No. 61367007); Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province (No. 20JR10RA154)
  • 摘要:

    针对偏移正交幅度调制的相干光正交频分复用(CO-OFDM-OQAM)通信系统,本文提出了一种基于实虚交替导频的相位噪声抑制算法。该算法利用激光器相位噪声的性质和固有虚部干扰(IMI)系数的对称性规律设计全新的实虚交替导频,结合线性拟合,能够准确估计每个频域符号的公共相位误差(CPE)。由于是在频域进行补偿,与时域相位噪声抑制算法相比,计算复杂度大幅下降。搭建了有效速率为65 GBits/s的偏振复用CO-OFDM-OQAM系统的数值仿真平台,研究了不同激光器线宽和子载波个数下系统的传输性能,考察了所提方法对相位噪声的抑制效果。获得的结果证实:OSNR固定为25 dB,子载波总数分别为256、512和1024时,误码率达到FEC极限时所需要的线宽分别为801.1、349和138.4 kHz。对于使用16-QAM调制格式、子载波个数为256或512的系统,能较好补偿激光器的相位噪声,而且不会影响功率峰均比。


  • 图 1  OFDM-OQAM系统中信号受激光器线宽的影响。(a)线宽为0;(b)线宽为0.1 MHz;(c)线宽为0.2 MHz;(d)线宽为0.3 MHz;(e)线宽为0.5 MHz;(f)线宽为1 MHz

    Figure 1.  The effect of the laser linewidth on the signal in the OFDM-OQAM system. The line width is (a) 0; (b) 0.1 MHz; (c) 0.2 MHz; (d) 0.3 MHz; (e) 0.5 MHz; (f) 1 MHz

    图 2  本文提出的相位噪声补偿方法导频结构图

    Figure 2.  Pilot structure diagram of the proposed phase noise compensation method

    图 3  在导频中载入的AM信号

    Figure 3.  The AM signal loaded in the pilot

    图 4  本文所提相位噪声补偿算法流程图

    Figure 4.  Flowchart of the proposed phase noise compensation algorithm

    图 5  PDM CO-OFDM-OQAM系统原理示意图,插图显示了它的光谱和补偿流程

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of PDM CO-OFDM-OQAM system, with insets showing its optical spectra and compensation process

    图 6  子载波数为256,光背靠背时,不同激光器线宽的误码率性能

    Figure 6.  The bit error rate performance of different laser linewidths with the subcarrier number 256 when light is back-to-back

    图 8  OSNR为25 dB,光背靠背时,本方法在不同子载波数目下的误码率性能

    Figure 8.  The bit error rate performance for proposed method under different subcarrier numbers with OSNR 25 dB when light is back-to-back

    图 7  子载波数为512,光背靠背时,不同激光器线宽的误码率性能

    Figure 7.  The bit error rate performance of different laser linewidths with subcarrier number 512 when light is back-to-back

    图 9  不同导频组数目对误码率性能的影响

    Figure 9.  The influence of different pilot groups on bit error rate performance

    图 10  本文方法的验证实验方案图。AWG代表任意波形发生器,I代表同相分量,Q代表正交分量,DSO代表高速数字存储示波器,ECL代表外腔激光器

    Figure 10.  Experimental scheme to validate the method proposed in this paper. Acronym key: AWG, Arbitrary Waveform Generator; I, In-phase; Q, quadrature; DSO, digital storage oscilloscope; ECL, External Cavity Laser.

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-12-20
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