同心阵列系统具有小型化与大视场的优势,通过探测器的拼接可实现更大视场高分成像。为了进一步实现大视场系统结构的小型化与轻量化,本文采用伽利略型同心阵列结构形式,设计了一款工作在可见光波段,全视场大小为65°,焦距为19 mm,F数为4.7,总长为44.3 mm的同心阵列系统。在特征频率208 lp/mm处,系统的调制传递函数大于0.3,全视场弥散斑均方根半径均小于探测器像元尺寸2.4 μm,成像质量接近衍射极限。由于同心阵列系统结构的特殊性,其中继系统排布紧密,导致各中继系统间的串扰杂散光严重影响成像质量。针对该问题,本文采用内置消杂光光阑方法抑制串扰杂散光,并对光学系统的杂散光进行仿真分析。分析结果表明,在加入消杂光光阑后,杂光系数均降低至1×10−6以下,验证了串扰杂光抑制方法的有效性。
Abstract:Monocentric multiscale systems offer the advantages of miniaturization and a large field of view. In order to further realize the miniaturization and light weight of the large field-of-view system, we adopt the Galileo-type monocentric multiscale system form and design a monocentric multiscale system operating in the visible spectrum. The modulation transfer function of the system is greater than 0.3 at a frequency of 208 lp/mm, the root-mean-square radius of the full-field diffuse spot is smaller than the detector pixel size of 2.4 μm, and the imaging quality is close to the diffraction limit. The monocentric multiscale system structure has a couple of special characteristics: the relay lenses are closely arranged and the crosstalk stray light between the relay lenses seriously affects the imaging quality. To solve the problem, we apply the method of suppressing the crosstalk stray light with the built-in stary light stop. On the basis, we carry out the simulation and analysis of the stray light of the optical system. Analysis results show that the stray light coefficients are all reduced to less than 1×10−6 after the addition of the stray light stop, which verifies the crosstalk stray light suppression method.
Key words:
- monocentric multiscale systems /
- relay lens /
- crosstalk stray light /
- stray light stop
表 1 系统指标要求
Table 1. System parameter requirements
参数 指标 波长/nm 486.1~656.3 入瞳直径/mm 4 总视场/(°) 65 单个次级相机视场/(°) 4.8 同心阵列系统焦距/mm 18 -
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