United calibration method for ship-borne radiation measuring system based on ambient temperature self-adaptive correction
Abstract:As an important component of the information database, infrared data has been extensive used in night vision, weapon guidance, long-range early warning systems and more. Shipborne infrared radiation characteristic measuring systems work in the marine environment, where the variation in temperature and humidity is vast. In view of the fact that variation in ambient temperature greatly affects the measuring system, this paper presents an internal and external united calibration method based on ambient temperature self-adaptive correction. It corrects temperature influence through self-adaptive interpolation, thus confirming the validity of the proposed measuring system for sensibility and responsive characteristics of external targets. Radiant calibration in different infrared wavebands has been implemented by the measuring system, serial temperatures have been set in each integrating time to calibrate and fit, and the method's effectiveness has been determined by error statistics. Meanwhile, the radiation characteristics of high-precision blackbody and aquatic targets are inversed. As a result, the minimum and the maximum errors obtained for blackbody measuring precision were 6.82% and 10.21%, respectively. The high confidence coefficient for measured radiant inversion value verifies the effectiveness and application prospects of the calibration method presented in this paper.
Key words:
- self-adaptive /
- radiant calibration /
- characteristic inversion /
- ship-borne system
表 1 不同条件下定标探测器灰度值
Table 1. The detector’s gray value in different calibration conditions
(°C)黑体温度(°C) 20 25 30 35 40 10 1581.8889 1636.4444 1688.7778 1757.3333 1836.4444 11 1631.4444 1724.1111 1801.8889 1916.5556 2047.3333 13 1698.1111 1747.8889 1786.3333 1843.1111 1914.4444 15 1881.7778 1951.2222 2046.7778 2143.4444 2241 15 1793.5556 1847.2222 1909.1111 1954.7778 2032.1111 27 2182.8889 2253.6667 2347.4444 2443 2539.5556 29 2201.3333 2299.1111 2399.5556 2508.8889 2640.3333 29 2287.8889 2356.1111 2432.5556 2521.6667 2610.4444 33 2651.3333 2702.8889 2762.5556 2839.2222 2916.7778 表 2 不同环境温度、特定积分时间下的修正结果
Table 2. Correction results at specific integration times and different ambient temperatures
25 35 45 55 65 环境温度为17 °C,
积分时间为1 ms1728 1934 2242 2640 3146 环境温度为22 °C,
积分时间为2 ms3598 4120 4892 5890 7155 环境温度为26 °C,
积分时间为3 ms5461 6298 7534 9124 11156 标准亮度(W/m2·Sr) 1.1757 1.6828 2.3563 3.2341 4.3585 1 ms拟合值(W/m2·Sr) 1.2064 1.6650 2.3492 3.2333 4.3588 2 ms拟合值(W/m2·Sr) 1.2202 1.6799 2.3589 3.2369 4.3504 3 ms拟合值(W/m2·Sr) 1.1998 1.6670 2.3577 3.2457 4.3806 平均误差(AVR)/% 2.82 0.72 0.05 0.14 0.11 均方根误差(RMS)/% 1.3 表 3 高精度面源黑体辐射反演结果
Table 3. High-precision surface blackbody’s radiation inversion results
黑体设置温度/ °C 设置温度对应的辐射亮度W/(m2·sr) 黑体温度测量值/ °C 辐射亮度测量值W/(m2·sr) 辐射亮度测量误差 85 7.5099 88 8.1122 8.02% 95 9.666 99 10.6533 10.21% 105 12.28 108 13.1627 7.19% 115 15.414 118 16.4653 6.82% 125 19.1332 129 20.7997 8.71% 表 4 船舶测试过程中相关信息汇总
Table 4. Summary of relevant information during ship-borne testing
船舶1 船舶2 船舶3 船舶4 船舶5 天气条件 24 °C,50%, 1018 hpa22 °C,68%, 1022 hpa北京时间 14:45 14:48 15:00 18:17 18:18 距离/km 3.1 2.5 3 2.1 2.9 积分时间/ms 4 4 4 4 4 透过率 0.4756 0.5074 0.4799 0.51 0.459 方位角 10.63 143.36 156.2 29.46 22.73 俯仰角 0.151 359.47 0.02 359.6 359.64 焦距/mm 400 400 400 400 400 -
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