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刘智 赖庆荣 张天禹 李斌 宋云峰 陈楠

刘智, 赖庆荣, 张天禹, 李斌, 宋云峰, 陈楠. 激光多普勒测振技术无损检测果冻橙粒化病[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2025, 18(1): 160-169. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0115
引用本文: 刘智, 赖庆荣, 张天禹, 李斌, 宋云峰, 陈楠. 激光多普勒测振技术无损检测果冻橙粒化病[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2025, 18(1): 160-169. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0115
LIU Zhi, LAI Qing-rong, ZHANG Tian-yu, LI Bin, SONG Yun-feng, CHEN Nan. Non-destruction detection of jelly orange granulation disease using laser Doppler vibrometry[J]. Chinese Optics, 2025, 18(1): 160-169. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0115
Citation: LIU Zhi, LAI Qing-rong, ZHANG Tian-yu, LI Bin, SONG Yun-feng, CHEN Nan. Non-destruction detection of jelly orange granulation disease using laser Doppler vibrometry[J]. Chinese Optics, 2025, 18(1): 160-169. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0115


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0115
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(No. 2022YFD2001804,No. 2023YFD2001301);国家自然科学基金(No. 12304447)


  • 中图分类号: TN247

Non-destruction detection of jelly orange granulation disease using laser Doppler vibrometry

Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2022YFD2001804, No. 2023YFD2001301); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12304447)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    粒化是柑橘类水果常见的一种内部病害,患有该病害的水果外部特征并不明显,难以从外观上直接识别出来。本文使用微型激光多普勒测振仪(micro-LDV)和共振喇叭搭建了一套声学振动实验装置,将其用于采集“爱媛38号”果冻橙的振动响应信号。然后,将一维的振动响应信号转换为振动多域图像,并构建了一个Resnet-Transformer(ResT)网络,用于提取振动多域图像中的深层特征,以识别果冻橙粒化病。本文中,使用振动多域图像分别训练ResT、Resnet50和Vision Transformer(ViT)模型,并将ResT的性能与Resnet50和ViT进行比较。最后,使用振动多域图像纹理特征或振动频谱特征训练偏最小二乘判别分析(PLS-DA)和支持向量机(SVM)模型,并与ResT模型进行性能对比。结果表明,使用振动多域图像训练的ResT模型可以精准识别果冻橙粒化病并且检测准确率为98.61%,模型的F1为0.986、精确率为0.986、召回率为0.986。由上述结果可知,提出的方法可在简单、快速、低成本的前提下准确识别粒化果冻橙。


  • 图 1  正常和粒化的果冻橙横切面

    Figure 1.  Cross sections of normal and granulated jelly orange

    图 2  声振检测装置示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of acoustic vibration detection device

    图 3  振动多域图像生成流程图。(a)经过快速傅立叶变换得到的果冻橙振动频谱曲线;(b)果冻橙振动响应信号;(c)振动多域图像生成模块,其包含对时频信号降维的卷积块、生成时频图像的Stockwell transform(ST)块、将时频域信号生成时域或频域图像的格拉姆角场(GAF)块以及归一化块;(d)振动ST时频域图像可视化结果;(e)振动GAF频域图像可视化结果;(f)振动GAF时域图像可视化结果

    Figure 3.  Flow chart of vibration multi-domain image generation. (a) Vibration spectrum curves of jelly orange obtained by fast Fourier transform; (b) vibration response signal of jelly orange; (c) vibration multi-domain image generation module which contains the convolution block for downscaling the time-frequency signal, the Stockwell transform (ST) block for generating the time-frequency image, the Gramian Angle Field (GAF) block for generating from the time-frequency signal into the time-domain or frequency-domain images, and the normalization block; (d) the result of visualizing the vibration ST time-frequency domain image; (e) the visualizing vibration GAF frequency domain image; (f) the visualizing vibration GAF time-domain image

    图 4  ResT模型结构示意图。ResT主要由多个基于CNN的Bottleneck块和基于Transformer的Swin Transformer块组成,分别提取振动多域图像的局部和全局的深层信息

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of ResT model structure. ResT mainly consists of multiple CNN-based Bottleneck blocks and Transformer-based Swin Transformer blocks, respectively, which extract local and global deep information from vibration multi-domain images

    图 5  果冻橙不同摆放位置的振动频谱

    Figure 5.  Vibration spectra of jelly orange at different placement positions

    图 6  717条振动频谱曲线的相关性分析

    Figure 6.  Correlation analysis of 717 vibration spectrum curves

    图 7  使用CARS算法从振动频谱中选择有效频率

    Figure 7.  Selection of effective frequencies from the vibration spectrum using the CARS algorithm

    图 8  预测集的结果混淆矩阵

    Figure 8.  Confusion matrix of the prediction set results

    图 9  ResT、Resnet50、ViT、VMIT-SVM、VST-SVM、VMIT-PLS-DA和VST-PLS-DA模型对果冻橙粒化病的识别性能比较

    Figure 9.  Comparison of the jelly orange granulation disease identification performances obtained by ResT, Resnet50, ViT, VMIT-SVM, VST-SVM, VMIT-PLS-DA, and VST-PLS-DA models

    表  1  基于振动多域图像纹理特征的PLS-DA和SVM模型对果冻橙粒化病的分类结果

    Table  1.   Classification results of jelly orange granulation disease by PLS-DA and SVM models based on vibrational multi-domain image texture features

    模型 实际类别 预测类别 类别
    准确率 (%)
    正常 粒化
    SVM 正常 96 5 95.04% 95.13%
    粒化 2 41 95.35%
    PLS-DA 正常 93 8 92.08% 86.81%
    粒化 11 32 74.42%
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    表  2  基于振动频谱特征的PLS-DA和SVM模型对果冻橙粒化病的分类结果

    Table  2.   Classification results of jelly orange granulation disease by PLS-DA and SVM models based on vibration spectral features

    模型 实际类别 预测类别 类别
    正常 粒化
    SVM 正常 96 5 95.04% 89.58%
    粒化 10 33 76.74%
    PLS-DA 正常 97 4 92.08% 90.97%
    粒化 9 34 74.42%
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    表  3  ResT、Resnet50和ViT的训练集和预测集结果

    Table  3.   Training and prediction set results by ResT, Resnet50 and ViT models (%)

    模型 训练集准确率 预测集准确率
    正常 粒化 总体 正常 粒化 总体
    ResT 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.01 97.67 98.61
    Resnet50 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.02 97.67 97.92
    ViT 100.00 98.61 99.53 98.02 95.35 97.22
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