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李智斌 潘嘉男 孙崇尚 吴佳彬

李智斌, 潘嘉男, 孙崇尚, 吴佳彬. 快速反射镜恒偏差故障观测器设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2025, 18(1): 121-133. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0136
引用本文: 李智斌, 潘嘉男, 孙崇尚, 吴佳彬. 快速反射镜恒偏差故障观测器设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2025, 18(1): 121-133. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0136
LI Zhi-bin, PAN Jia-nan, SUN Chong-shang, WU Jia-bin. Design of constant bias fault observer for fast steering mirrors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2025, 18(1): 121-133. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0136
Citation: LI Zhi-bin, PAN Jia-nan, SUN Chong-shang, WU Jia-bin. Design of constant bias fault observer for fast steering mirrors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2025, 18(1): 121-133. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0136


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0136
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. U23A20336,No. 52227811);山东省自然科学基金(No. ZR2021QF140,No. ZR2021QF117,No. ZR2024MF133);青岛西海岸新区“一事一议”人才项目资助



  • 中图分类号: TP394;TH691.9

Design of constant bias fault observer for fast steering mirrors

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U23A20336,No. 52227811); Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2021QF140,No. ZR2021QF117, No. ZR2024MF133); "One Matter, One Discussion" Talent Project of Qingdao West Coast New Area
More Information
    Corresponding author: sun2007cn@163.com
  • 摘要:

    快速反射镜的工作环境一般比较恶劣,容易受到振动冲击、温度变化等影响,导致故障。本文针对最为普遍的恒偏差故障,提出了一种基于线性矩阵不等式(linear matrix inequality, LMI)的故障观测器设计方法,旨在提高故障检测的可靠性,增强快速反射镜的稳定性以及抗干扰能力。首先,采用基于汉克尔(Hankel)矩阵的模型辨识方法得到了考虑耦合效应的两轴快速反射镜模型。然后,建立了快速反射镜系统的故障模型,采用基于LMI的方法对快速反射镜的故障观测器进行设计。最后,通过仿真与实验对该方法进行验证。结果表明,当快速反射镜的两轴发生执行器和传感器恒偏差故障时,基于黎卡提(Riccati)方程的故障观测器只能检测出其中一个轴的故障,基于LMI的故障观测器对X轴能在故障发生后0.1 s内检测出故障,对Y轴能在故障发生后0.06 s内检测出故障。上述结果表明本文设计的LMI故障观测器能够更加准确地实现对快速反射镜的故障检测。


  • 图 1  FSM的实物图

    Figure 1.  The physical diagram of the FSM

    图 2  考虑耦合效应的两轴FSM系统框图

    Figure 2.  Diagram of the two-axis FSM system considering coupling effects

    图 3  基于dSPACE的FSM实验平台

    Figure 3.  FSM experimental platform based on dSPACE

    图 4  辨识模型与实际系统频域响应特性曲线对比

    Figure 4.  Comparison of frequency responses between the identified model and the real systems

    图 5  故障观测器仿真模型

    Figure 5.  Simulation model of the fault observer

    图 6  FSM故障观测器原理框图

    Figure 6.  The principle diagram of the FSM fault observer

    图 7  传感器故障时基于Riccati的偏转角残差

    Figure 7.  The residuals of angle calculated by the Riccati when the sensor malfunctions

    图 8  传感器故障时基于Riccati的评价函数与阈值

    Figure 8.  The evaluation function and threshold calculated by the Riccati when the sensor malfunctions

    图 9  传感器故障时基于LMI的偏转角残差

    Figure 9.  The residuals of angle calculated by the LMI when the sensor malfunctions

    图 10  传感器故障时基于LMI的评价函数与阈值

    Figure 10.  The evaluation function and threshold by the LMI when the sensor malfunctions

    图 11  传感器和执行器同时故障时基于Riccati的偏转角残差

    Figure 11.  The residuals of angle calculated by the Riccati when both the sensor and the actuator malfunction

    图 12  传感器和执行器同时故障时,基于Riccati的评价函数与阈值

    Figure 12.  The evaluation function and threshold by the Riccati when both the sensor and the actuator malfunction

    图 13  传感器和执行器同时故障时,基于LMI的偏转角残差

    Figure 13.  The residuals of angle calculated by the LMI when both the sensor and the actuator malfunction

    图 14  传感器和执行器同时故障时,基于LMI的评价函数与阈值

    Figure 14.  The evaluation function and threshold by the LMI when both the sensor and the actuator malfunction

    图 15  快速反射镜系统故障框图

    Figure 15.  Fault block diagram of the FSM system

    图 16  执行器、传感器同时故障时,实验所得的基于Riccati的偏转角残差

    Figure 16.  When both the actuator and sensor malfunction simultaneously, the experimentally obtained Riccati-based deflection angle residual

    图 17  执行器、传感器同时故障时,实验所得的基于Riccati的评价函数与阈值

    Figure 17.  When both the actuator and sensor malfunction simultaneously, the experimentally obtained Riccati-based evaluation function and threshold

    图 18  执行器、传感器同时故障时,实验所得的基于LMI的偏转角残差

    Figure 18.  When both the actuator and sensor malfunction simultaneously, the experimentally obtained LMI-based deflection angle residual

    图 19  执行器、传感器同时故障时,实验所得的基于LMI的评价函数与阈值

    Figure 19.  When both the actuator and sensor malfunction simultaneously, the experimentally obtained LMI-based evaluation function and threshold.

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