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钱方 彭佳琦 许永博

钱方, 彭佳琦, 许永博. 脉冲激光辐照背照式CMOS图像传感器机理研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0139
引用本文: 钱方, 彭佳琦, 许永博. 脉冲激光辐照背照式CMOS图像传感器机理研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0139
QIAN Fang, PENG Jia-qi, XU Yong-bo. Research on Back-illuminated CMOS Image Sensor Irradiated by Pulsed Laser[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0139
Citation: QIAN Fang, PENG Jia-qi, XU Yong-bo. Research on Back-illuminated CMOS Image Sensor Irradiated by Pulsed Laser[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0139


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0139
基金项目: 中文基金

    钱 方(1987—),女,吉林长春人,博士,高工,2015年于长春光机所获得博士学位,主要从事激光辐照效应研究。E-mail:qfmail@sina.cn



  • 中图分类号: TN977

Research on Back-illuminated CMOS Image Sensor Irradiated by Pulsed Laser

Funds: Supported by
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  • 摘要:

    CMOS图像传感器是当今应用最普遍的传感器之一,广泛应用在航空航天,医学成像,工业检测,军事侦察等领域,CMOS图像传感器的激光干扰和损伤也随之成为国内外相关领域的研究热点。为了研究脉冲激光对背照式CMOS图像传感器的影响,本文选用Sony IMX178背照式CMOS图像传感器作为靶材,基于热传导方程,利用有限元仿真软件COMSOL Multiphysics对比计算了不同参数单脉冲激光辐照下CMOS图像传感器的温度分布。计算结果表明,传感器在532 nm (1 ns)、1064 nm (1 ns)、532 nm (30 ps)、1064 nm (30 ps)单脉冲激光作用下的点损伤阈值分别为61.12 mJ/cm2、75.76 mJ/cm2、31.83 mJ/cm2、37.43 mJ/cm2。同步开展了背照式CMOS图像传感器的激光辐照效应实验研究,结果表明,相比于1064 nm脉冲激光,532 nm脉冲激光作用下的图像传感器损伤阈值更低;相比于纳秒脉冲激光,皮秒脉冲激光有更高的峰值功率,更容易造成点损伤。仿真计算得到的点损伤阈值和实验结果比较吻合。


  • 图 1  背照式CMOS图像传感器二维结构

    Figure 1.  The two-dimensional structure of the back-illuminatedCMOS image sensor

    图 2  532 nm纳秒单脉冲激光辐照结果(a)温度分布(b)各层最大温度变化

    Figure 2.  Radiation results of 532 nm nanosecond single pulse laser (a) Temperature distribution (b) Maximum temperature change in each layer

    图 3  1064 nm纳秒单脉冲激光辐照结果(a)温度分布(b)各层最大温度变化

    Figure 3.  Radiation results of 1064 nm nanosecond single pulse laser (a) Temperature distribution (b) Maximum temperature change in each layer

    图 4  532 nm纳秒单脉冲激光辐照结果(a)温度分布(b)各层最大温度变化

    Figure 4.  Radiation results of 532 nm picosecond single pulse laser (a) Temperature distribution (b) Maximum temperature change in each layer

    图 5  1064 nm纳秒单脉冲激光辐照结果(a)温度分布(b)各层最大温度变化

    Figure 5.  Radiation results of 1064 nm picosecond single pulse laser (a) Temperature distribution (b) Maximum temperature change in each layer

    图 6  532 nm单脉冲激光辐照CMOS图像传感器实验原理

    Figure 6.  Experimental principle of CMOS image sensor irradiated with 532 nm nanosecondsingle pulse laser

    图 7  532 nm纳秒单脉冲激光辐照CMOS图像传感器实验光路

    Figure 7.  Light path of CMOS image sensor irradiated with 532 nm nanosecond single pulse laser

    图 8  (a)点损伤(b)线损伤(c)功能性损伤(d)致盲

    Figure 8.  (a) point damage (b) line damage (c)Functional damage(d) blindness

    图 9  1064 nm纳秒单脉冲激光辐照CMOS图像传感器实验原理

    Figure 9.  Experimental principle of CMOS image sensor irradiated with 1064 nm nanosecondsingle pulse laser

    图 10  1064 nm单脉冲激光辐照CMOS图像传感器实验光路

    Figure 10.  Light path of CMOS image sensor irradiated with 1064 nm nanosecondsingle pulse laser

    图 11  (a)点损伤(b)线损伤(c)功能性损伤(d)致盲

    Figure 11.  (a) point damage (b) line damage (c) Functional damage (d) blindness

    图 12  皮秒单脉冲激光辐照CMOS图像传感器实验原理

    Figure 12.  Experimental principle of CMOS image sensor irradiated with picosecond single pulse laser

    图 13  皮秒单脉冲激光辐照CMOS图像传感器实验光路

    Figure 13.  Light path of CMOS image sensor irradiated with single pulse picosecond laser

    图 14  (a)点损伤(b)线损伤(c)功能性损伤(d)致盲

    Figure 14.  (a) point damage (b) cross line damage (c)Functional damage(d) blindness

    图 15  (a)点损伤(b)线损伤(c)功能性损伤(d)致盲

    Figure 15.  (a) point damage (b) cross line damage (c)Functional damage(d) blindness

    图 16  仿真结果和实验结果对比

    Figure 16.  Comparison between simulation results and experimental results

    表  1  材料的热力学参数

    Table  1.   1Thermodynamic parameters of materials

    PI Si Al
    密度(kg/m3) 1190 2329 2700
    导热系数(W/(m·K)) 0.3 27 238
    热膨胀系数(1/K) 2×10−5 2.6×10−6 23×10−6
    恒压热容(J/(kg·K)) 1510 700 900
    杨氏模量(Pa) 3.2×109 170×109 70×109
    泊松比 0.35 0.28 0.33
    熔点(K) 710 1685 932
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    表  2  各激光参数下的点损伤阈值

    Table  2.   Point damage threshold under various laser parameters

    532 nm,1 ns61.12
    1064 nm,1 ns75.76
    532 nm,30 ps31.83
    1064 nm,30 ps37.43
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    表  3  各阶段损伤阈值

    Table  3.   Damage thresholds for each stage

    纳秒532 nm28.9569.91167.6519.3
    1064 nm40.79100.6132.41.24×103
    皮秒532 nm18.9578.93120.49501.33
    1064 nm19.7190.76123.80566.19
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