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邸敬 梁婵 刘冀钊 廉敬

邸敬, 梁婵, 刘冀钊, 廉敬. 基于跨域交互注意力和对比学习引导的红外与可见光图像融合[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0147
引用本文: 邸敬, 梁婵, 刘冀钊, 廉敬. 基于跨域交互注意力和对比学习引导的红外与可见光图像融合[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0147
DI Jing, LIANG Chan, LIU Ji-zhao, LIAN Jing. Infrared and visible image fusion guided by cross-domain interactive attention and contrast learning[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0147
Citation: DI Jing, LIANG Chan, LIU Ji-zhao, LIAN Jing. Infrared and visible image fusion guided by cross-domain interactive attention and contrast learning[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0147


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0147
基金项目: 甘肃省自然科学基金项目(No. 24JRRA231);国家自然科学基金(No. 62061023);甘肃省杰出青年基金资助项目(No. 21JR7RA345)

    邸 敬(1979—),女,甘肃兰州人,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事图像检测识别、 信号处理技术和宽带无线通信方面的研究。E-mail:46891771@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Infrared and visible image fusion guided by cross-domain interactive attention and contrast learning

Funds: Supported by
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  • 图 1  网络整体框架图

    Figure 1.  Overall framework diagram of the network

    图 2  双支路跳跃连接的细节增强网络架构

    Figure 2.  Detail-enhanced network architecture with dual-branch hopping connections

    图 3  双分支联合编码器的图像融合网络架构

    Figure 3.  Image fusion network architecture with dual-branch joint encoder

    图 4  属性和内容的对比学习网络框架

    Figure 4.  Network framework for comparative learning of attributes and content

    图 5  跨域交互注意力机制模块

    Figure 5.  Cross-domain interaction attention module

    图 6  TNO数据集七组场景的融合结果

    Figure 6.  Fusion results for six groups of scenes in the TNO

    图 7  MSRS数据集日间场景“00537D”融合结果

    Figure 7.  MSRS dataset daytime scene “00537D” fusion results

    图 8  MSRS数据集夜间场景“00881N”融合结果

    Figure 8.  MSRS dataset night scene “00881N” fusion results

    图 9  RoadSence数据集“FLIR_08835”场景融合结果

    Figure 9.  RoadSence “FLIR_08835” fusion results

    图 10  消融实验结果

    Figure 10.  Results of ablation experiments

    表  1  TNO数据集42组图像的客观评价指标均值

    Table  1.   Mean values of objective evaluation indices for 42 groups of images in the TNO

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    表  2  MSRS数据集40组图像的客观评价指标均值

    Table  2.   Mean value of objective evaluation indices for 40 groups of images in MSRS

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    表  3  RoadSence数据集221组图像的客观评价指标均值

    Table  3.   Mean value of objective evaluation indices for 221 groups of images in RoadSence

    方法 评价指标
    RFN-Nest 3.362 7.336 46.025 0.500 7.852 2.738 61.366 0.617 0.357
    U2Fusion 6.099 7.183 40.092 0.564 15.282 2.578 61.366 0.696 0.684
    PIAFusion 4.308 6.981 42.702 0.681 12.132 3.557 61.680 0.659 0.534
    SuperFusion 4.469 6.990 41.358 0.608 12.185 3.562 62.107 0.566 0.824
    SwinFusion 4.516 7.000 44.067 0.614 16.720 3.334 61.297 0.529 0.545
    SeAFusion 6.491 7.330 49.645 0.600 16.625 3.022 61.714 0.584 0.657
    TarDAL 6.691 7.550 59.398 0.418 16.123 2.191 59.566 0.552 3.924
    DIVFusion 5.010 7.539 54.188 0.572 13.295 2.900 61.779 0.441 2.842
    DDFM 3.952 6.868 33.551 0.532 10.174 2.845 64.484 0.660 3.667
    LRRNet 5.692 7.526 54.772 0.631 15.223 3.510 62.025 0.730 1.259
    SFCFusion 6.304 7.222 41.496 0.591 15.994 2.842 63.781 0.670 1.842
    Coconet 4.407 7.059 37.356 0.577 11.417 2.896 64.440 0.728 2.067
    本文方法 6.924 7.596 60.891 0.703 16.810 4.027 62.303 0.804 0.573
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    表  4  10组场景消融实验客观评价指标均值

    Table  4.   Mean values of objective evaluation indices in 10 groups of ablation experiment scenes

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