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邹宏扬 战俊彤 李文君 张肃 付强 段锦 李英超 刘宏宇

邹宏扬, 战俊彤, 李文君, 张肃, 付强, 段锦, 李英超, 刘宏宇. 基于二向偏振分布函数修正的机场地物材质可见光偏振特性研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0158
引用本文: 邹宏扬, 战俊彤, 李文君, 张肃, 付强, 段锦, 李英超, 刘宏宇. 基于二向偏振分布函数修正的机场地物材质可见光偏振特性研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0158
ZOU Hong-yang, ZHAN Jun-tong, LI Wen-jun, ZHANG Su, FU Qiang, DUAN Jin, LI Ying-chao, LIU Hong-yu. Study on visible polarization characteristics of airport ground material based on BPDF correction[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0158
Citation: ZOU Hong-yang, ZHAN Jun-tong, LI Wen-jun, ZHANG Su, FU Qiang, DUAN Jin, LI Ying-chao, LIU Hong-yu. Study on visible polarization characteristics of airport ground material based on BPDF correction[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0158


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0158
基金项目: 吉林省科技发展计划(No. 20240101342JC);吉林省科技厅项目(No. 0230203029SF);国家自然科学基金项目(No. 62127813);北京空间机电研究所院士工作站基金(No. 23-11-131-W)



  • 中图分类号: O436.3

Study on visible polarization characteristics of airport ground material based on BPDF correction

Funds: Supported by Jilin Science and Technology Development Program (No. 20240101342JC); Project of Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Department (No. 0230203029SF); National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 62127813); Fund for Academician Workstation of Beijing Institute of Space Electromechanics (No. 23-11-131-W)
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  • 图 1  散射三分量与BRDF几何关系图

    Figure 1.  Scattering three components and Geometric relationship diagram of BRDF

    图 2  球面投影

    Figure 2.  Spherical Projection

    图 3  目标色散特征

    Figure 3.  Target Dispersion Characteristics

    图 4  偏振定标系统

    Figure 4.  Polarization calibration system

    图 5  室内多角度BRDF测试系统

    Figure 5.  Indoor multi-angle BRDF testing system

    图 6  相对方位角180°和入射角20°、40°、60°下,探测角与线偏振度的关系

    Figure 6.  Detection angle versus line polarization at 180° relative azimuth and 20°, 40°, and 60° incident angles

    图 7  入射角为60°下,$2{\text{π }}$范围内线偏振度仿真结果(左对照模型,中修正后BPDF模型,右实验测量值);

    Figure 7.  Simulation results of line polarizability in the range of $2{\text{π }}$ at an incidence angle of 60° (left control model, middle modified BPDF model, right experimental measurements)

    图 8  入射角=探测角=60°时,修正模型与实验结果对比

    Figure 8.  Comparison between the modified model and experimental results for incident angle = detection angle = 60°;

    图 9  探测角60°、相对方位角90°~270°范围内,入射角10°、20°、30°、40°、50°、60°的仿真结果

    Figure 9.  Simulation results for incidence angles of 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, and 60° in the range of detection angles of 60° and relative azimuth angles of 90° to 270°.

    图 10  相对方位角180°和探测角20°、40°、60°范围内,入射角与线偏振度的关系

    Figure 10.  Relationship between angle of incidence and linear polarization for a range of relative azimuth angles of 180° and detection angles of 20°, 40°, and 60°

    图 11  均方根粗糙度$\delta $与线偏振度关系

    Figure 11.  Root-mean-square roughness versus line DOLP

    图 12  折射率$n$与线偏振度关系

    Figure 12.  Refractive index versus line$DOLP$

    表  1  DOLP标定结果

    Table  1.   DOLP calibration results

    Polarized light (DOLP) Incident light (DOLP) Emerging light Maximum error (%)
    1 0.966 3.4%
    45° 1 0.975 2.5%
    90° 1 0.972 2.8%
    135° 1 0.969 3.1%
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    表  2  参量拟合结果

    Table  2.   Results of parametric fitting

    材料${\varepsilon _{\text{i}}}$${\varepsilon _{\text{r}}}$$\delta (\mu m)$${\delta ^*}(\mu m)$${{\text{k}}_{\text{s}}}$${{\text{k}}_{\text{m}}}$${{\text{k}}_{\text{v}}}$
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    表  3  探测角变化,目标仿真值与实测值的均方根误差

    Table  3.   Root mean square error of simulated and measured Values of target $DOLP$ for detection angle change

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    表  4  入射角变化,仿真值与实测值的均方根误差

    Table  4.   Root mean square error of simulated and measured Values of target $DOLP$ for incidence angle change

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