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季怡心 张龙祥 仵苇 王建华

季怡心, 张龙祥, 仵苇, 王建华. 非标准相移轮廓术的最优条纹频率分配[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0163
引用本文: 季怡心, 张龙祥, 仵苇, 王建华. 非标准相移轮廓术的最优条纹频率分配[J]. 中国光学(中英文). doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0163
JI Yi-xin, ZHANG Long-xiang, WU Wei, WANG Jian-hua. Optimal fringe frequency allocation for non-standard phase-shifting profilometry[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0163
Citation: JI Yi-xin, ZHANG Long-xiang, WU Wei, WANG Jian-hua. Optimal fringe frequency allocation for non-standard phase-shifting profilometry[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0163


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0163
基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金项目(No. ZR2021MF024)


    王建华(1981—),男,山东临沂人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2004 年于中国地质大学获得学士学位,2011 年于中国矿业大学获得硕士学位,2019年于西安理工大学获得博士学位。主要从事计算机视觉、光学三维测量方面的研究。E-mail:wangjianhua@qut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Optimal fringe frequency allocation for non-standard phase-shifting profilometry

Funds: Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2021MF024)
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  • 图 1  双频与三频TPU算法的重建结果对比。 (a) 3-step和{fh=64, fm=8, fl=1};(b) 3-step和{fh=64, fl=1};(c) 3fh+2fm+2fl和{fh=64, fm=8, fl=1};(d) 3fh+2fl和{fh=64, fl=1};

    Figure 1.  Comparison of reconstruction results between dual-frequency and triple-frequency TPU algorithms. (a) 3-step and {fh=64, fm=8, fl=1};(b) 3-step and {fh=64, fl=1};(c) 3fh+2fm+2fl and {fh=64, fm=8, fl=1};(d) 3fh+2fl and {fh=64, fl=1};

    图 2  3fh1+2fh2+2fh3算法的包裹相位误差方差

    Figure 2.  Wrapped phase error variances for 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3 algorithm

    图 3  仿真曲面的三维重建结果。(a) 仿真曲面(含放大图);(b) { fh=169, fm=13, fl=1};(c) { fh=169, fm=5, fl=1};(d) { fh=169, fm=20, fl=1}

    Figure 3.  The 3D reconstruction results of the simulated surface. (a) simulated surface (with magnified view); (b) { fh=169, fm=13, fl=1}; (c) { fh=169, fm=5, fl=1}; (d) { fh=169, fm=20, fl=1}

    图 4  3fh1+2fh2+2fh3外差TPU算法的重建结果比较。 (a) 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3和{fh1=153, fh2=148, fh3=144};(b) 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3和{fh1=153, fh2=143, fh3=134};(c) 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3和{fh1=153, fh2=133, fh3=114};(d) 12-step和{fh1=153, fh2=148, fh3=144};(e) 12-step和{fh1=fh1=153, fh2=143, fh3=134};(f) 12-step和{fh1=153, fh2=133, fh3=114};(g) 横截面对比(第600行);(h)为(g)的放大视图

    Figure 4.  Comparison of reconstruction results based on 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3 heterodyne TPU. (a) 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3 and {fh1=153, fh2=148, fh3=144}; (b) 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3 and {fh1=153, fh2=143, fh3=134}; (c) 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3 and {fh1=153, fh2=133, fh3=114}; (d) 12-step and {fh1=153, fh2=148, fh3=144}; (e) 12-step and {fh1=153, fh2=143, fh3=134}; (f) 12-step and {fh1=153, fh2=133, fh3=114}; (g) cross-sectional comparison (line 600); (h) larger view of (g)

    图 5  基于2fh+2fm+3fl分层TPU算法的重建结果比较。(a) 2fh+2fm+3fl和{fh=181, fm=6, fl=1};(b) 2fh+2fm+3fl和{ fh=181, fm=16, fl=1};(c) 2fh+2fm+3fl和{fh=181, fm=30, fl=1};(d) 12-step和{fh=181, fm=6, fl=1};(e) 12-step和{ fh=181, fm=16, fl=1}(f) 12-step和{fh=181, fm=30, fl=1};(g) 横截面对比(第170行);(h)为(g)的放大视图

    Figure 5.  Comparison of reconstruction results based on 2fh+2fm+3fl hierarchical TPU. (a) 2fh+2fm+3fl and {fh=181, fm=6, fl=1}; (b) 2fh+2fm+3fl and {fh=181, fm=16, fl=1}; (c) 2fh+2fm+3fl and {fh=181, fm=30, fl=1}; (d) 12-step and {fh=181, fm=6, fl=1}; (e)12-step and {fh=181, fm=16, fl=1}; (f) 12-step and {fh=181, fm=30, fl=1}; (g) cross-sectional comparison (line 170); (h) larger view of (g)

    表  1  非标准三频外差TPU的最优频率组合

    Table  1.   Optimal frequency combinations for non-standard triple-frequency heterodyne TPU

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    表  2  非标准三频分层TPU的最优频率组合

    Table  2.   Optimal frequency combinations for non-standard triple-frequency hierarchical TPU

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    表  3  基于3fh1+2fh2+2fh3外差TPU算法的定量比较

    Table  3.   Quantitative comparison based on 3fh1+2fh2+2fh3 heterodyne TPU

    {fh1, fh2, fh3}Error rate/%RMSE/rad
    {153, 143, 134}11.7610.4789
    {153, 148, 144}30.4111.3039
    {153, 133, 114}33.1824.6249
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    表  4  基于2fh+2fm+3fl分层TPU的定量比较

    Table  4.   Quantitative comparison based on 2fh+2fm+3fl hierarchical TPU

    {fh, fm, fl}Error rate/%RMSE/rad
    {181, 16, 1}4.561.5398
    {181, 6, 1}15.413.9469
    {181, 30, 1}6.334.5043
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