三阶拉曼光纤放大器因其较高的增益与较低的噪声指数被用于长距离无中继光传输中。三阶拉曼放大器作为拉曼放大的前沿技术,目前国内的研究较少,对于泵浦的配置与放大器的性能关系还不够明晰。为此,本文通过实验测试了二阶泵浦种子光对三阶拉曼光纤放大器的性能影响。首先用功率耦合方程定性分析了不使用二阶泵浦种子光的可行性,之后实验验证了在缺少二阶泵浦种子光的条件下,三阶拉曼光纤放大器仍能实现对信号光的增益,但较有二阶泵浦种子光时效率会降低。本文搭建了47波200 km的波分复用传输系统进行实验验证。结果表明:在没有二阶泵浦种子光的情况下三阶拉曼光纤放大器也可以实现对信号光的增益,但引入二阶泵浦种子光能显著提升性能,仅25 mW的二阶泵浦种子光就能使信号得到最少3.7 dB,平均6 dB的功率提升以及平均0.8 dB的光信噪比提升。省去二阶泵浦种子光能降低成本,但引入二阶泵浦种子光能显著提升三阶拉曼放大器的性能。
Abstract:Third-order Raman fiber amplifiers are used in long-haul unrepeated optical transmission due to their higher gain and lower noise figure. Third-order Raman fiber amplifiers are advanced Raman amplification technology. There is currently very limited research on it in China. The relationship between the pump configuration and the amplifier’s performance remains unclear. Therefore, this paper analyzes the influence of second-order pump seed light on third-order Raman fiber amplifiers through experiments. First, the feasibility of not using second-order pump seed light was qualitatively analyzed. Then, it was experimentally verified that in the absence of second-order pump seed light, the third-order Raman fiber amplifier can still achieve signal light gain but at decreased efficiency. A 47-channel 200 km wavelength division multiplexing transmission system was constructed. The experimental results show that the third-order Raman fiber amplifier can amplify the signal light without the second-order pump seed light. However, introducing the second-order pump seed light can significantly improve its performance. A second-order pump seed light with only 25 mW can achieve a minimum signal power gain of 3.7 dB, an average gain of 6 dB, and an average signal-to-noise ratio gain of 1.6 dB. Eliminating second-order pump seed light can reduce costs, but introducing a second-order pump seed light brings significant performance improvements to third-order Raman amplifiers.
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