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Development of a doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer for ground-based wind field detection at the 557.7 nm wavelength

LIU Huan JIANG Lun ZHANG Xiao-fei FU Yun SONG Yan-song TONG Shou-feng LIU Xian-zhu

刘欢, 江伦, 张晓菲, 付芸, 宋延嵩, 佟首峰, 刘显著. 557.7 nm波段地基探测风场的多普勒非对称空间外差干涉仪研制[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(5): 1226-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2022-0018
引用本文: 刘欢, 江伦, 张晓菲, 付芸, 宋延嵩, 佟首峰, 刘显著. 557.7 nm波段地基探测风场的多普勒非对称空间外差干涉仪研制[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(5): 1226-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2022-0018
LIU Huan, JIANG Lun, ZHANG Xiao-fei, FU Yun, SONG Yan-song, TONG Shou-feng, LIU Xian-zhu. Development of a doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer for ground-based wind field detection at the 557.7 nm wavelength[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(5): 1226-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2022-0018
Citation: LIU Huan, JIANG Lun, ZHANG Xiao-fei, FU Yun, SONG Yan-song, TONG Shou-feng, LIU Xian-zhu. Development of a doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer for ground-based wind field detection at the 557.7 nm wavelength[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(5): 1226-1242. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2022-0018

557.7 nm波段地基探测风场的多普勒非对称空间外差干涉仪研制

  • 中图分类号: TH.744

Development of a doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer for ground-based wind field detection at the 557.7 nm wavelength

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2022-0018
Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Plan Project (No. 2022YFB3902500)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    Liu Huan (1997—), female, born in Jilin, Jilin Province master candidate, In June 2023, she received her master's degree in engineering from Changchun University of Science and Technology, She mainly engaged in Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodynetechnology, optical engineering research. E-mail: liu198804161997@163.com

    Jiang Lun (1984—), male, Changchun, Jilin Province, Doctoral, associate professor and doctoral supervisor, In 2012, he received his PhD from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanicsand Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, mainly engaged in optical system design, space optics and space optical communication technology. E-mail: jlciomp@163.com

    Corresponding author: jlciomp@163.com
  • 摘要:

    为探测中层大气风场信息,研制了一台具有热补偿特性的大集光率(AΩ)、高信噪比(Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR)的地基多普勒非对称空间外差(Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne, DASH)干涉仪。针对557.7 nm的氧原子气辉谱线,制定了DASH干涉仪的详细参数和指标。系统采用扩视场和消热差设计,半视场角达到2.815°,集光率为0.09525 cm2sr,系统信噪比在113.75左右,经过热补偿设计后,最终光程差随温度变化(dΔd0/dT)的数值仅为2.224×10−7 mm/°C。根据相应参数设计优化了光学系统,前置光学系统和探测器光学系统分别采用像方远心和双远心结构,各项指标均满足探测要求。为验证设计结果,搭建了地基DASH干涉仪实验平台,进行室内以及地基室外实验,最终得到了明显的干涉条纹。上述结果证明DASH干涉仪的系统设计是合理的,系统的信噪比和集光率满足检测要求。


  • Figure 1.  Diagram of the DASH interferometer structure

    Figure 2.  Curves of the modulation and phase difference varying with optical path difference of the 557.7 nm spectral line at 90–110 km

    Figure 3.  Curves of the modulation and phase difference varying with optical path difference of the 557.7 nm spectral line at 150–300 km

    Figure 4.  Plot of the optical path difference versus the interferogram intensity difference

    Figure 5.  Optical path diagram of the interference module

    Figure 6.  (a) Relationship between signal to noise ratio and pixel position; (b) graph of variation of wind speed error with SNR

    Figure 7.  The MTF curves of the entrance optics

    Figure 8.  (a) MTF of the exit optics and (b) dot chart of the exit optics

    Figure 9.  (a) Two-dimensional system diagram; (b) three-dimensional system diagram

    Figure 10.  Real image of the interferometer

    Figure 11.  Real image of the narrow band filter

    Figure 12.  (a) Schematic diagram of the laboratory debugging device; (b) photograph of the laboratory debugging device

    Figure 13.  Streaks made by krypton lamps in the laboratory

    Figure 14.  Integrated ground-based DASH interferometer

    Figure 15.  Photograph of the ground experiment setup

    Figure 16.  Night airglow interferogram

    Figure 17.  Interferogram of krypton lamp on September 27

    Figure 18.  Interferogram of night airglow on September 27

    Figure 19.  Schematic diagram of wind speed simulation

    Figure 20.  The corresponding interferogram is 1810, 2021 and 2203 r/min, respectively

    Table  3.   Basic parameters of DASH interferometer

    ParameterSystem indicators
    Littrow wavelength557.7 nm
    Half of view angle2.815°
    Diameter of the pupil40 mm
    Field of view
    extension prism
    Angulus parietalis8.7424°
    Wedged spacersMaterialsFused silica (spacers1);
    H-FK61 (spacers 2)
    ThicknessFused silica (spacers1);
    H-FK61 (spacers 2)
    Beam splitterSplitting ratio1∶1
    Asymmetrical20.363 mm
    GratingsGrating Littrow angle9.631°
    Grating diffraction order1
    Grating effective width13.69 mm
    MaterialsFused silica
    Lines600 gr/mm
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    Table  1.   DASH system parameter list

    System ParameterValue
    Transmittance of an optical system: τtot(σ).0.07
    Detector quantum efficiency: η(σ)0.9
    Optical system: F #3.862
    Detector pixel size: d13 μm
    Dark current ηdark (refrigeration
    temperature dd0/dT:−80 °C)
    Readout noise: σread1e-/p·s-1
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    Table  2.   Design indices of the dual telecentric optical system

    ParameterSystem indicators
    Wavelength557.7 nm
    Back focal length30 mm
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    Table  4.   DASH system specifications

    ParameterSystem indicators
    Resolving power16402.941
    measuring range90-110 km (Height of airglow)
    Resolution of measurement1.0933 cm−1 (0.034 nm)
    $\dfrac{ {{\rm{d}}\Delta { d_0} } }{ { {\rm{d} }T} }$2.224×10−7 mm/°C
    Etendue (AΩ)0.09525 cm2sr
    of precision
    Temperature0.05 rad/°C
    SNRSNR>60,wind speed error <10−4 m/s
    Inversion accuracy (Nuttall
    window function, FWHM=10)
    0.00064 m/s
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