The influence of the number of coupling regions on the output of the ding-shaped microring resonator
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0009
为了探究鼎形微环谐振器的耦合区数量对输出的影响,建立了鼎形微环谐振器的物理模型。利用传输矩阵法对鼎形微环谐振器的物理模型进行研究。分析了不同耦合区数量对鼎形微环谐振器输出的影响。实验结果表明,随着耦合区数量的增加,在1.54~1.56 μm工作波长范围内谐振峰的数量增加,半高全宽FWHM越小,品质因子Q则越大,器件的储能性能越好,并且还能实现对特定波长的滤波作用。耦合区数量对鼎形微环谐振器性能有着很大影响,在设计时根据实际需要选择耦合区数量。
Abstract:In order to explore the influence of the number of coupling regions on the output of the ding-shaped microring resonator, the physical model of the ding-shaped microring resonator is established and studied by using the transfer matrix method. On this basis, the influence of the number of different coupling regions on the output of the ding-shaped microring resonator is analyzed. The experimental results show that with the increase of the number of coupling regions, the number of resonance peaks increases in the range of 1.54~1.56 μm working wavelength, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) decreases, the quality factor Q increases, the energy storage performance of the device is better, and the filter function on a specific wavelength can be realized. It can be concluded that the number of coupling regions has a great influence on the performance of the ding-shaped microring resonator. The number of coupling regions is selected according to the actual needs in the design.
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