All-solid-state acousto-optic mode-locked laser operating at 660 nm
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0013
脉冲宽度为皮秒的红光激光器,具有脉冲宽度窄,峰值功率高的优点,使其在工业、医疗、科研和信息存储等方面具有广泛的应用。本文采用声光锁模(AOML)的方式设计了一款具有窄线宽、高转换效率,输出波长为660 nm的全固态皮秒激光器。该激光器采用半导体侧面泵浦的方式,通过优化谐振腔型,并使用两块LiB3O5 ( LBO )晶体进行腔外倍频,最终获得最大输出功率为8.6 W的660 nm激光输出。激光器采用脉冲侧面泵浦的模式,获得的锁模脉冲频率为100 MHz,脉冲宽度为887 ps。1319 nm至660 nm激光的倍频转换效率可达41%。
Abstract:Red lasers with a picosecond pulse width are widely used in various fields such as industrial, medical, scientific research and information strorage due to their narrow pulse width and high peak power. This paper presents an all-solid-state laser, operating at 660 nm with picosecond pulse width, narrow band, and high conversion efficiency, which is demonstrated by the acousto-optic mode-locked (AOML) method. By optimizing the cavity and implementing external frequency doubling with two LiB3O5 (LBO) crystals along with various techniques, a mode-locked red laser source with a maximum output power of 8.6 W is developed. The laser operates in a pulsed side-pumped regime and contains the mode-locked pulses with a frequency of 100 MHz and a pulse width of 887 ps. The optical-to-optical conversion efficiency from 1319 nm to 660 nm can reach up to 41%.
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