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A red-emitting copolymer phosphors based on bimetallic Eu-Ir complex for Near-UV chip-based LEDs

WANG Zi-hao YANG Ya-min ZHANG Ai-qin JIA Hu-sheng XU Bing-she JIA Jing

王子豪, 杨亚敏, 张爱琴, 贾虎生, 许并社, 贾静. 可用于近紫外LED芯片的铕-铱双金属配合物红光共聚荧光粉[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(2): 468-480. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0023
引用本文: 王子豪, 杨亚敏, 张爱琴, 贾虎生, 许并社, 贾静. 可用于近紫外LED芯片的铕-铱双金属配合物红光共聚荧光粉[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(2): 468-480. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0023
WANG Zi-hao, YANG Ya-min, ZHANG Ai-qin, JIA Hu-sheng, XU Bing-she, JIA Jing. A red-emitting copolymer phosphors based on bimetallic Eu-Ir complex for Near-UV chip-based LEDs[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 468-480. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0023
Citation: WANG Zi-hao, YANG Ya-min, ZHANG Ai-qin, JIA Hu-sheng, XU Bing-she, JIA Jing. A red-emitting copolymer phosphors based on bimetallic Eu-Ir complex for Near-UV chip-based LEDs[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 468-480. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0023


  • 中图分类号: TQ422

A red-emitting copolymer phosphors based on bimetallic Eu-Ir complex for Near-UV chip-based LEDs

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0023
Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21972103); Research and Development Project of New Materials and Chemical Engineering Research Institute of Shanxi Zhejiang University (No. 2021SX-AT010)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    WANG Zi-hao (1999—), male, born in Jining,Shandong Province. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Jinan in 2021 and is now a master's candidate in the School of Taiyuan University of Technology. He is mainly engaged in research on LED light-emitting phosphors. E-mail: wangzihao0331@link.tyut.edu.cn

    JIA Jing (1987—), female, born in Yuanping, Shanxi Province. She received her doctoral degree from Taiyuan University of Technology in 2017. She is currently an intermediate engineer in the College of Aeronautics and Astronautics of TYUT, mainly engaged in the research of flexible LED lighting for the aircraft industries. E-mail: jiajing.chn@icloud.com

    Corresponding author: jiajing.chn@icloud.com
  • 摘要:

    本研究以Ir配合物FIrPic作为Eu离子的配体,合成了一种新的Eu-Ir双金属配合物Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA,并通过自由基聚合成功制备了红色发光荧光共聚物PM-Eu-Ir,适用于商用近紫外芯片型LED。在不影响 Eu3+ 离子的荧光发射特性的前提下,加入 Ir-配合物可以有效地敏化 Eu3+ 离子,增强其对 400 nm紫外光的吸收。在 365 nm 紫外光激发下,共聚物 PM-Eu-Ir 在 612 nm 处显示出最强的发射峰,其 CIE 坐标为(0.461,0.254),这与 365 nm 近紫外芯片非常吻合。红色共聚荧光粉 PM-Eu-Ir 的微观形貌为典型的多层空间网络结构,除了表现出明显的红光发射和 634.54 μs 的荧光寿命外,还在 25~250 °C 的宽温范围内具有优异的热稳定性。使用共聚物 PM-Eu-Ir 制作的 LED 发出的红光亮度为 149800 cd/m2。研究结果表明,所制备的共聚荧光粉可作为红光元件用于制造近紫外芯片白光 LED。


  • Figure 1.  Synthetic route of the bimetallic complex Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA

    Figure 2.  Synthesis route of the copolymer PM-Eu-Ir

    Figure 3.  FT-IR spectra of the FIrPic, Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA, and PM-Eu-Ir

    Figure 4.  UV-vis absorption spectra of the Ir complex FIrPic, bimetallic complex Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA, and phosphorescent copolymer PM-Eu-Ir

    Figure 5.  FE-SEM images of the bimetallic complex Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA (a) and phosphorescent copolymer PM-Eu-Ir (b)

    Figure 6.  (a) DSC curves and (b) TG-DTG curves of copolymer PM-Eu-Ir

    Figure 7.  Fluorescence spectra of (a) the bimetallic complex Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA, (b) phosphorescent copolymer PM-Eu-Ir and (c) the CIE chromaticity coordinates

    Figure 8.  Emission images of (a) Ir complex, (b) Eu-Ir bimetallic complex powder, (c) copolymer phosphors, and (d) the red LED lamp-bead under 365 nm UV irradiation

    Figure 9.  Fluorescence decay curve of the copolymer PM-Eu-Ir and Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA.

    Figure 10.  (a) Electroluminescence (EL) spectra and (b) the luminance–voltage curves of the original 365 nm UV-LED chip with and without PM-Eu-Ir. The inserted photograph is the CIE chromaticity coordinates of photoluminescence

    Table  1.   FT-IR characteristic peaks of the ligands, complex Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA

    Complex vC=O(-COOH) $\nu_{{\mathrm{as}}({\mathrm{CH}}_2)} $ $\nu_{{\mathrm{s}}({\mathrm{CH}}_2)} $ νC-OH δC-H νEu-N νC=N
    FIrPic 1647,1406 - - - −833,762,700 - 1477
    Phen - - - - 864,739 - 1493
    UA 1711 2925 2855 910 - - -
    Eu(FIrPic)2(Phen)UA - 2930 2860 - 785,710 581 1414
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