Effect of GaInP and GaAsP inserted into waveguide/barrier interface on carrier leakage in InAlGaAs quantum well 808-nm laser diode
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0006
激光二极管由于载流子泄漏严重,在波导区域发生非辐射复合,进而降低了输出功率和电光转换效率。本文设计了一种新型外延结构,通过在有源区两侧势垒和波导层之间分别插入n-Ga0.55In0.45P和p-GaAs0.6P0.4材料,调控能带结构,增大了阻挡载流子泄漏的势垒高度,抑制了载流子泄漏。研究结果表明,相较于传统结构器件,泄漏电流密度降低了87.71%。在25 °C注入电流密度为5 A/cm2时,新型外延结构的非辐射复合电流密度降低至37.411 A/cm2,输出功率达12.80 W,电光转换效率达78.24%。此外,在5 °C~65 °C温度变化范围内,中心波长的温漂系数为0.206 nm/°C,阈值电流随温度变化的拟合直线的斜率为
0.00113 。本文所设计结构为制备高功率激光二级管提供了理论依据。-
- 808-nm激光二极管 /
- Ga0.55In0.45P和GaAs0.6P0.4插入层 /
- InAlGaAs量子阱 /
- 载流子泄漏
Abstract:There is nonradiative recombination in waveguide region owing to severe carrier leakage, which in turn reduces output power and wall-plug efficiency. In this paper, we designed a novel epitaxial structure, which suppresses carrier leakage by inserting n-Ga0.55In0.45P and p-GaAs0.6P0.4 between barriers and waveguide layers, respectively, to modulate the energy band structure and to increase the height of barrier. The results show that the leakage current density reduces by 87.71%, compared to traditional structure. The nonradiative recombination current density of novel structure reduces to 37.411 A/cm2, and the output power reaches 12.80 W with wall-plug efficiency of 78.24% at an injection current density 5 A/cm2 at room temperature. In addition, the temperature drift coefficient of center wavelength is 0.206 nm/°C at the temperature range from 5 °C to 65 °C, and the slope of fitted straight line of threshold current with temperature variation is 0.00113. The novel epitaxial structure provides a theoretical basis for achieving high-power laser diode.
Table 1. Parameters of 808-nm LD’s epitaxial structures
Structure layer Materials Thicknesses /nm Doping concentration /cm−3 p-Contact layer GaAs 350 1×1019 p-Cladding layer Al0.55Ga0.45As 1000 1×1019 p-Waveguide layer Al0.35-0.55Ga0.65-0.45As 300 1×1017~1×1018 p-Insertion layer Ga0.55In0.45P/GaAs0.6P0.4 8 1×1017 p-Barrier layer Al0.2Ga0.8As 6 0 Quantum well In0.14Al0.16Ga0.7As 5 0 n-Barrier layer Al0.2Ga0.8As 6 0 n-Insertion layer Ga0.55In0.45P 8 1×1017 n-Waveguide layer Al0.35-0.55Ga0.65-0.45As 600 1×1017~1×1018 n-Cladding layer Al0.55Ga0.45As 1200 1×1019 n-Substrate GaAs 2000 1×1019 -
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