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Effect of GaInP and GaAsP inserted into waveguide/barrier interface on carrier leakage in InAlGaAs quantum well 808-nm laser diode

FU Meng-jie DONG Hai-liang JIA Zhi-gang JIA Wei LIANG Jian XU Bing-she

付梦洁, 董海亮, 贾志刚, 贾伟, 梁建, 许并社. 波导/势垒界面插入GaInP和GaAsP对InAlGaAs量子阱808-nm激光二极管载流子泄漏的影响[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2025, 18(1): 186-197. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0006
引用本文: 付梦洁, 董海亮, 贾志刚, 贾伟, 梁建, 许并社. 波导/势垒界面插入GaInP和GaAsP对InAlGaAs量子阱808-nm激光二极管载流子泄漏的影响[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2025, 18(1): 186-197. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0006
FU Meng-jie, DONG Hai-liang, JIA Zhi-gang, JIA Wei, LIANG Jian, XU Bing-she. Effect of GaInP and GaAsP inserted into waveguide/barrier interface on carrier leakage in InAlGaAs quantum well 808-nm laser diode[J]. Chinese Optics, 2025, 18(1): 186-197. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0006
Citation: FU Meng-jie, DONG Hai-liang, JIA Zhi-gang, JIA Wei, LIANG Jian, XU Bing-she. Effect of GaInP and GaAsP inserted into waveguide/barrier interface on carrier leakage in InAlGaAs quantum well 808-nm laser diode[J]. Chinese Optics, 2025, 18(1): 186-197. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0006


  • 中图分类号: TN248.4

Effect of GaInP and GaAsP inserted into waveguide/barrier interface on carrier leakage in InAlGaAs quantum well 808-nm laser diode

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0006
Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61904120, No. 21972103); Shanxi “1331 project” and the Shanxi-Zheda Institute of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering (No. 2022SX-TD018, No. 2021SX-AT001, 002 and 003)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    FU Meng-jie (1996—), female, born in Shangqiu, Henan Province. She received her bachelor's degree from Henan University of Urban Construction in 2020, and is now a master candidate in Taiyuan University of Technology. She is mainly engaged in the design of epitaxial structure for 808 nm LD. E-mail: 2227240245@qq.com

    DONG Hai-liang (1984—), male, born in Dongming country, Shandong province. He received his B. S. degree from Ludong University in 2008, M. S. degree from Taiyuan University of Technology in 2011, and Ph. D. degree from Taiyuan University of Technology in 2016; Since 2019, he has been working as a senior experiment in the Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials, Taiyuan University of Technology; His main research work is GaAs and GaN based semiconductor lasers, and light emitting diode for structure design, epitaxial material growth and performance characterization. E-mail: dhltyut@163.com

    XU Bing-she (1955—), male, born in Yicheng country, Shanxi province, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, received his Bachelor's Degree from Taiyuan University of Technology in 1978, and his Ph. D degree from the University of Tokyo in 1994. He has presided and currently is working on more than 50 national and provincial projects, such as the National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund, the National 973 Program, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Major Research Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nano Special Project), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Sino-Japanese International Cooperation Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and so on. His research interests include nano and thin film functional materials and their devices. He has published more than 450 papers in Advanced Functional Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Acta Materialia, and other national and international journals. E-mail: xubs@tyut.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: dhltyut@163.comxubs@tyut.edu.cn
  • 摘要:

    激光二极管由于载流子泄漏严重,在波导区域发生非辐射复合,进而降低了输出功率和电光转换效率。本文设计了一种新型外延结构,通过在有源区两侧势垒和波导层之间分别插入n-Ga0.55In0.45P和p-GaAs0.6P0.4材料,调控能带结构,增大了阻挡载流子泄漏的势垒高度,抑制了载流子泄漏。研究结果表明,相较于传统结构器件,泄漏电流密度降低了87.71%。在25 °C注入电流密度为5 A/cm2时,新型外延结构的非辐射复合电流密度降低至37.411 A/cm2,输出功率达12.80 W,电光转换效率达78.24%。此外,在5 °C~65 °C温度变化范围内,中心波长的温漂系数为0.206 nm/°C,阈值电流随温度变化的拟合直线的斜率为0.00113。本文所设计结构为制备高功率激光二级管提供了理论依据。


  • Figure 1.  Diagram of three LDs’ epitaxial structures

    Figure 2.  (a) Refractive index and TE mode optic field intensity distributions of three LDs; (b) magnified diagrams in the range of 17501900 nm for LD1, LD2, and LD3

    Figure 3.  Curves of (a) quantum well external loss (αOut), (b) quantum well internal loss (αQW), and (c) total optical loss (αTotal) of three LDs as a function of injection current

    Figure 4.  (a) The energy band comparison of the LDs with three structures at an injection current of 10 A and (b) the magnification of LD1, LD2, and LD3 in the 17601860 nm range

    Figure 5.  (a) Leakage current density, (b) auger recombination current density, (c) SRH recombination current density, and (d) nonradiative recombination current density of three LDs as a function of injection current

    Figure 6.  (a) Threshold current of three LDs; (b) operating voltage, (c) output power and (d) WPE of three LDs as a function of injection current

    Figure 7.  (a) Fitted curves of wavelength and (b) threshold current of three LDs as a function of temperature

    Table  1.   Parameters of 808-nm LD’s epitaxial structures

    Structure layer Materials Thicknesses /nm Doping concentration /cm−3
    p-Contact layer GaAs 350 1×1019
    p-Cladding layer Al0.55Ga0.45As 1000 1×1019
    p-Waveguide layer Al0.35-0.55Ga0.65-0.45As 300 1×1017~1×1018
    p-Insertion layer Ga0.55In0.45P/GaAs0.6P0.4 8 1×1017
    p-Barrier layer Al0.2Ga0.8As 6 0
    Quantum well In0.14Al0.16Ga0.7As 5 0
    n-Barrier layer Al0.2Ga0.8As 6 0
    n-Insertion layer Ga0.55In0.45P 8 1×1017
    n-Waveguide layer Al0.35-0.55Ga0.65-0.45As 600 1×1017~1×1018
    n-Cladding layer Al0.55Ga0.45As 1200 1×1019
    n-Substrate GaAs 2000 1×1019
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