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Experimental investigation on propagation characteristics of vortex beams in underwater turbulence with different salinity

LU Teng-fei LIU Yong-xin WU Zhi-jun

卢腾飞, 刘永欣, 吴志军. 涡旋光束在不同盐度的水下湍流中的传输特性的实验研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(1): 111-118. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0001
引用本文: 卢腾飞, 刘永欣, 吴志军. 涡旋光束在不同盐度的水下湍流中的传输特性的实验研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(1): 111-118. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0001
LU Teng-fei, LIU Yong-xin, WU Zhi-jun. Experimental investigation on propagation characteristics of vortex beams in underwater turbulence with different salinity[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(1): 111-118. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0001
Citation: LU Teng-fei, LIU Yong-xin, WU Zhi-jun. Experimental investigation on propagation characteristics of vortex beams in underwater turbulence with different salinity[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(1): 111-118. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0001


  • 中图分类号: O436

Experimental investigation on propagation characteristics of vortex beams in underwater turbulence with different salinity

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0001
Funds: Supported by National National Science Foundation of China (No. 61505059, No. 61575070, No. 61275203); Postgraduates’ Innovative Fund in Scientific Research of Huaqiao University
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LU Teng-fei (1994—), male, born in Zhoukou, Henan, master student. His research interest is laser transmission and transformation. E-mail:1805440176@qq.com

    LIU Yong-xin (1979—), female, born in Dingzhou, Hebei, Ph. D., associate professor. Her research interest covers laser transmission and transformation. E-mail: yongxin@hqu.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: yongxin@hqu.edu.cn
  • 摘要: 研究光束在海洋湍流中的传输特性尤为重要。为了更贴近实际情况,人工搭建了能控制水下湍流强度和盐度的装置来研究涡旋光束和高斯光束在水下湍流中的传输特性。结果表明:相比于未添加海盐的水下湍流,光束在增添海盐的水下湍流中传输光斑会更加弥散,光强会更弱。无论是强湍流还是弱湍流,m=2的涡旋光束在盐度为4.35‰的水下湍流中的闪烁因子都大于其在盐度为2.42‰的水下湍流中所对应的闪烁因子。另外,m=2的涡旋光束传输到相同的距离时,其闪烁因子随着水下湍流的盐度和强度的增大而增大。不同盐度条件下,m=2的涡旋光束的径向闪烁因子随径向距离的增大呈先减小后增大的变化趋势。另外,搭建了传输距离更长的实验装置,在20米的传输距离内,拓扑电荷m=2的涡旋光束的闪烁因子远高于高斯光束所对应的闪烁因子,且m=2的涡旋光束和高斯光束的闪烁因子都随着传输距离的增大而增大。


  • Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of vortex beams propagating in underwater turbulence. L1, L2, thin lenses; SPP, spiral phase plate; M1, M2, reflectors

    Figure 2.  The practical photos of the experimental device. (a) Weak turbulence; (b) strong turbulence

    Figure 3.  The scintillation of the vortex beam with m=2 transmitted to 3.6 meters in weak underwater turbulence with the SA =2.42 ‰

    Figure 4.  The intensity patterns of the vortex beam with m=2 propagating in both the weak and strong underwater turbulences with salinity of 0. (a) z=3.6 m, weak turbulence; (b) z=3.6 m, strong turbulence; (c) z=5.4 m, weak turbulence;(d) z=5.4 m, strong turbulence

    Figure 5.  The intensity patterns of the vortex beam with m=2 propagating in both the weak and strong underwater turbulences with the salinity of 2.42 ‰. (a) z=3.6 m, weak turbulence; (b) z=3.6 m, strong turbulence; (c) z=5.4 m, weak turbulence; (d) z=5.4 m, strong turbulence

    Figure 6.  Scintillation index of the vortex beam with m=2 varying with propagation distance in the water turbulence with different salinities in (a) weak turbulence and (b) strong turbulence

    Figure 7.  The effect of salinity on scintillation index of the vortex beam with m=2 at 3.6 m propagation distance in (a) weak turbulence and (b) strong turbulence

    Figure 8.  Scintillation index of the vortex beam with m=2 at 3.6 m propagation distance in (a) weak turbulence and (b) strong turbulence

    Figure 9.  Experimental device of direct long-distance transmission

    Figure 10.  Scintillation indices of the vortex beam and the Gaussian beam varying with propagation distance (no turbulence)

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