SSFM-global-error-local-energy method for improving computational efficiency of passively mode-locked fiber laser
doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2022-0016
本文提出了一种提高被动锁模光纤激光器计算效率的方法,该方法由对称分步傅立叶方法(SSFM)和全局误差局部能量(GELE)方法组成。该方法可将与全局误差相关的局部能量增量限制在一定范围内来控制步长。该方法具有自动步长调整机制。达到同程度的计算精度,本文方法的计算时间为255 s,而小的恒定步长SSFM方法需要3855 s。这表明本文方法可以将计算效率提高10余倍。本文方法还可以通过RK4IP、Adams、预测-校正等高阶算法进行扩展,以提高精度。
Abstract:We propose a method for improving the computational efficiency of passively mode-locked fiber laser, which is composed by Symmetric Split-step Fourier Method (SSFM) and the Global-Error-Local-Energy (GELE) method for solving propagating equations. Our proposed method relies on the limitation of local energy increment related with global error within a certain value to control the selection of step size. This method has advantage of an automatic step adjustment mechanism. To achieve the same order of computation accuracy, the computational time of our method is 255 s, while SSFM with small constant step size method needs to calculate 3855 s. The computational time of our proposed method is one or two orders of magnitude less than that of the SSFM, which indicates our method can enhance the computational efficiency by a factor up to 10. It could be expanded with high-order algorithms, such as the fourth-order Runge-Kutta in the interaction picture (RK4IP), Adams, predictor–corrector, etc. for improving the accuracy.
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