Analysis for opto-electrical acquisition tracking and pointing control technology on satellite
摘要: 本文以天基监视为研究背景,主要围绕星载光电捕获跟踪瞄准(ATP)控制技术展开研究,针对卫星调姿变轨和跟踪架转动的多自由度配合控制过程,依次对天基监视物理模型、星载光电ATP控制系统方案和电视跟踪精度进行了分析.通过分析,不仅对这种多阶段多任务多模式切换的ATP控制有了较为清晰的理解,而且对其中所涉及的关键技术获得了较为全面的认识,对星载光电ATP控制系统设计有一定的指导意义.
- 天基监视 /
- 星载光电ATP控制系统 /
- 卫星调姿变轨 /
- 光电跟踪架
Abstract: In this paper, we take for space-based surveillance as research background, and mainly focus on opto-electrical acquisition tracking and pointing(ATP) control technology. For multi degree of freedom control process including adjusting posture and changing trajectory control of satellite and opto-electrical tracking frame control, physics model of spaced surveillance, opto-electrical ATP control system scheme on satellite and television tracking precision are analyzed respectively. By these analyses, we not only have a clearer understanding of multi stage, multi task and multi mode switching control, but also obtain a more comprehensive understanding of key technologies involved. These analyses have a certain guiding role for design of opto-electrical ATP control system on satellite. -
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