Recent advances in flexible variable-focus lens
摘要: 本文从基于力致变形(机械传动)驱动和基于电致变形(智能材料)驱动两方面分析了柔性变焦透镜(FVFL)的发展现状。通过归纳和分析发现:柔性变焦透镜均存在温度、重力对稳定性的影响。传统力致变形驱动的柔性变焦透镜变焦范围大,但响应速度慢,不易微型化设计;电致变形驱动的柔性变焦透镜响应速度快、结构紧凑。改善变焦透镜成像质量、降低驱动电压是目前柔性变焦透镜的研究热点。探索新颖的驱动方式,研究低功耗、智能化变焦系统将是柔性变焦透镜的主要发展趋势。Abstract: In this paper, the flexible variable-focus lens(FVFLs) is reviewed from two aspects including mechanical variable-focus lenses and electrostrictive variable-focus lenses. The gravity effect and temperature change exist in most FVFLs. Mechanical variable-focus lenses exhibit very large focal length tunability, but their use is limited by their slow response speed. Electrostrictive variable-focus lenses have simple and compact structure, high response speed. Providing a solution for minimizing optical aberrations and maximizing the tunability of focal length or field of view has drawn much attention in recent years. Exploring new driving technology and developing intelligent focus tunable system with low power comsumption will be the main focus of FVFLs in future.
Key words:
- adaptive optics /
- variable-focus lens /
- intelligent materials /
- elastic membrane
表 1 手动可调变焦透镜对比
Table 1. Comparison of commercially manually actuated tunable lenses
Company Holichip(America) Optotune(Switzerland) Product
ML-20-35Actuation principle Mechanical Manually tunable Mechanical Manually tunable Aperture/mm 14.2 20 Tunable range/mm +20—>+1 000 -40—+40 表 2 力致变形驱动的柔性变焦透镜主要性能参数对比
Table 2. Main performance parametrs comparison of mechanical variable-focus lenses
Ref.(type) Tuning concept Aperture/mm Tunable range/mm U/I Response time/ms 10 Mechanical — +∞~+15 or -33~-∞ — — 25 Mechanical 20 +32.6~+34.9 — — 23 Hydraulic pressure 26 +500~+∞ — — 30 Hydraulic pressure 1 +35~+250 — — 31 Hydraulic pressure 8 +191~+808 — — 32 Hydraulic pressure — -40~-5 and +5~40 — — 43 Hydraulic pressure — +71.50~+21.20 — — 44 Hydraulic pressure — +17~+1 — — 19 Pneumatic — +10~+58 — — 35 Thermo-pneumatic 2 +∞~4 12 mA 30 34 Thermo-pneumatic 2 +15~+3 5 V 32 22 Electromagnetic 5 -∞~-130 or 45~+∞ — ~1.3 39 Electromagnetic 5 +5.35~+22.73 10 V — 40 Electromagnetic — +17.3~+24.5 35 mA 0.16 45 Electromagnetic 3 +28.5~+4.8 3 A — 42(EL-10-30) Electromagnetic 10 +20~+140 5 V <2.5 表 3 电致变形驱动柔性变焦透镜的主要参数对比
Table 3. Main parameters comparison of electrostrictive variable-focus lenses
Ref. Tuning concept Aperture/mm Tunable range/mm U/I Response time/ms 11 DEA 2 +4~+8 1.7 kV — 44 DEA 7.6 +22.73~+16.72 4 kV 60 58 IPMC 4 — 4 V 8 000 62 Hydrogels — -17.4~+8.0±0.4 — — 63 Hydrogels 2.4 +8~+60 — — 66 EAP 2.4 +∞~+10 000 0.04 kV 20 69 DEA 5 +25.4~+105.2 1.0 kV — 70 DEA 8 15 000~50 000 1.8 kV — 71 PDMS 4 +16.1~+13.1 0.9 kV — 72 DEA 5 20% 3.5 kV 0.175 73 Piezoelectric 5 +52.4~-70.9 ±40 V 24 -
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