摘要: 以X-51A为例,研究了飞艇红外探测系统对临近空间高超声速目标的探测性能。首先,根据飞行器的飞行状态和飞行高度建立了临近空间高超声速目标不同波段的红外辐射特性模型,以及随高度变化的目标背景红外辐射强度模型;其次,综合考虑飞行器与飞艇高度、地球曲率及红外辐射在大气中传播的波段选择性等因素,建立了红外辐射在临近空间大气中传播的透过率模型;在此基础上,建立了飞艇红外探测系统对高超声速目标的探测距离模型。通过仿真得到了临近空间高超声速目标在不同飞行状态下3个波段的红外辐射强度随目标飞行高度变化的曲线,以及飞艇红外探测系统对飞行器在不同飞行状态下3个红外辐射波段的探测能力。研究结果表明:飞艇红外探测系统对高超声速目标的有效探测距离可以达到百公里量级;当飞行器飞行状态一定时,随着飞行器飞行高度的增加,系统对目标的探测距离先增大后减小;与长波波段相比,中短波波段的探测距离更大,并给出了临近空间飞艇应尽量布置在海拔高度大于18km的高空中的部署建议。Abstract: Taking the X-51A for example, the detectability of airship infrared detection system to hypersonic vehicle in near space is researched. Firstly, the infrared radiation models of hypersonic vehicle in near space and its background are established in different wavebands, changed with the altitude of hypersonic vehicle. After considering the effects of earth curvature, altitude of hypersonic vehicle and airship, band selectivity of the atmospheric infrared transmission and so on, the three dimensional atmospheric transmittance model of infrared transfer is built. Based on the above models, the detecting distance model of the airship infrared detection system is set up. By simulation, the infrared radiation intensities in three wavebands of hypersonic vehicle in different flight states are obtained, changed with the altitude of hypersonic vehicle, and the detectability of airship infrared detection system to hypersonic vehicle in different simulation situations are also obtained. The results show that the effective detection range of the airship infrared detection system to the hypersonic target can reach 100 kilometers. When the flight state of the hypersonic vehicle is confirmed, with the increase of the altitude of the target, the detection range of the airship infrared detection system increases first and then decrease. At the same time, compared with that in long wave band, the detection range in medium and short wave band is greater. Based on the conclusion, we propose that the deployment of the near space airship should be as far as possible in the altitude above 18km.
表 1 飞艇红外探测系统性能参数设置
Table 1. Performance parameter setting of airship infrared detection system
探测系统参数名 符号/单位 参数数值 红外探测器入射孔径 D0/m 0.79 红外探测器焦距 f/m 1 000 信号衰减因子 δ 0.707 探测系统的噪声等效带宽 Δf/Hz 短波为20 中波为100 长波为1 000 信噪比 fSNR/mm 5 红外探测器的单个像元面积 Ad/μm2 900 红外探测系统比探测率 D*/(W-1·m·Hz1/2) 短波7.5×109 中波2.61×109 长波4.63×108 红外探测系统透射率 τ0 0.9 表 2 飞艇红外探测系统对高超声速目标有动力段的最大探测距离
Table 2. Maximum detection range of airship infrared detection system to hypersonic vehicle when in powered phase
波段/μm 飞行器高度/km 30 40 50 60 70 1~2.5 1 782 1 890 2 020 1 985 1 979 3~5 999 1 090 1 179 1 138 1 095 8~14 349 373 397 392 385 表 3 飞艇红外探测系统对高超声速目标无动力段的最大探测距离
Table 3. Maximum detection range of airship infrared detection system to hypersonic vehicle when in unpowered phase
波段/μm 飞行器高度/km 30 40 50 60 70 1~2.5 501 711 916 703 489 3~5 577 699 807 715 601 8~14 225 254 280 264 241 -
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