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高峰 秦莉 陈泳屹 贾鹏 陈超 梁磊 陈红 张星 宁永强

高峰, 秦莉, 陈泳屹, 贾鹏, 陈超, 梁磊, 陈红, 张星, 宁永强. 弯曲波导研究进展及其应用[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2017, 10(2): 176-193. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171002.0176
引用本文: 高峰, 秦莉, 陈泳屹, 贾鹏, 陈超, 梁磊, 陈红, 张星, 宁永强. 弯曲波导研究进展及其应用[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2017, 10(2): 176-193. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171002.0176
GAO Feng, QIN Li, CHEN Yong-yi, JIA Peng, CHEN Chao, LIANG Lei, CHEN Hong, ZHANG Xing, NING Yong-qiang. Reseach progress of bent waveguide and its applications[J]. Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(2): 176-193. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171002.0176
Citation: GAO Feng, QIN Li, CHEN Yong-yi, JIA Peng, CHEN Chao, LIANG Lei, CHEN Hong, ZHANG Xing, NING Yong-qiang. Reseach progress of bent waveguide and its applications[J]. Chinese Optics, 2017, 10(2): 176-193. doi: 10.3788/CO.20171002.0176



国家自然科学基金资助项目 61234004

国家自然科学基金资助项目 11404327

国家自然科学基金资助项目 61306086

国家自然科学基金资助项目 11404327

国家科技重大专项资助项目 2014ZX04001151

吉林省科技发展计划资助项目 20150203007GX

吉林省科技发展计划资助项目 20140101172JC

吉林省科技发展计划资助项目 20140520132JH

长春市重大科技攻关计划资助项目 14KG006

长春市科技局计划资助项目 15SS02


    高峰 (1990-), 男, 吉林磐石人, 博士研究生, 主要从事窄线宽半导体激光器方面的研究。E-mail:summit1990@163.com


    陈泳屹 (1986-), 男, 吉林长春人, 博士, 助理研究员, 主要从事表面等离子体与半导体激光器方面的研究。E-mail:chenyy@ciomp.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN256

Reseach progress of bent waveguide and its applications


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61234004

National Natural Science Foundation of China 11404327

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61306086

National Natural Science Foundation of China 11404327

National Science and Technology Major Project of China 2014ZX04001151

Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan Project of China 20150203007GX

Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan Project of China 20140101172JC

Jilin Province Science and Technology Development Plan Project of China 20140520132JH

Changchun City Major Scientific Research Project of China 14KG006

Changchun Science and Technology Bureau Project 15SS02

  • 摘要: 本文主要分析了弯曲波导损耗机理,包括传输损耗、辐射损耗、模式转换损耗。重点综述了设计低损耗弯曲波导的方法,包括波导材料、弯曲波导的曲线形状、波导种类、脊型波导的宽度、脊高、弯曲半径、模场分布、弯曲波导曲线形状和其他新型波导结构等。简要概括了近年来设计和制备低损耗弯曲波导的代表性工作。介绍了弯曲波导在集成光学中的应用。通过对弯曲波导的损耗及耦合机制理论的不断完善,实现光在较小弯曲半径的低损耗传输,从而提高集成光学的集成度是弯曲波导今后的发展趋势。


  • 图 1  (a) TIR形弯曲波导的单模脊形波导,弯曲部分损耗0.3 dB/90°。也可以通过低损耗的锥形转换器与矩形波导相连接。(b) 带有沟槽部分的90°弯曲脊形波导。(c) 优化后的多模弯曲波导,从而减少弯曲波导尺寸和损耗[67]

    Figure 1.  Micron-scale silicon photonics platform. (a) single mode rib waveguides can be tightly bent by TIR mirrors with 0.3 dB/90° loss; they can be also be turned into strip waveguides by almost lossless converters; (b) a 90° ridge waveguide bend with a groove structure; (c) suitably designed bends of multimode strip waveguides to dramatically reduce bend size and losses[67]

    图 2  90°脊形弯曲波导损耗 (辐射损耗和模式失配损耗)[70]

    Figure 2.  Total loss (Radiation loss and Mode mismatch loss) in a 90° ridge waveguide bend[70]

    图 3  带有沟槽的90°脊形弯曲波导损耗 (辐射损耗和模式失配损耗)[70]

    Figure 3.  Total loss (Radiation loss and Mode mismatch loss) in a 90° ridge waveguide bend with a groove structure[70]

    图 4  SOI脊形弯曲波导的弯曲损耗在不同半径和脊宽的变化情况[56]

    Figure 4.  Bending loss as the bending radius varies for SOI rib waveguides with different rib widths[56]

    图 5  当弯曲半径小于100 nm时,弯曲部分损耗随弯曲半径变化[49]

    Figure 5.  Evolution of the loss per bend versus the bend radius at R < 100 nm[49]

    图 6  (a) 在直波导和弯曲波导部分的基模的振幅分布、波前和坡印廷矢量[83];(b) 带有偏移部分的弯曲波导和直波导[84]

    Figure 6.  (a) Amplitude distribution, wavefronts and time averaged Poynting′s vector of the fundamental modes on a straight and a bent dielectric waveguide section[83]; (b) a curved and a straight waveguide section with offset[84]

    图 7  在多模弯曲波导中,不同模式的弯曲损耗随半径变化情况[97]

    Figure 7.  Normalized effective indices of the eigen-modes supported in the bent multimode waveguide as the bending radius R decreases[97]

    图 8  欧拉螺线L形多模脊形波导弯曲波导仿真模拟[101](a) 不同模式的功率随着弯曲半径变化 (b) 不同模式的功率随着波长变化

    Figure 8.  Simulated performances of an Euler L-bend multimode rib waveguide[101] (a) power fraction of differen versus the bend radius at W=2 μm; (b) power fraction of differen versus the wavelength at Reff=17.2 μm

    图 9  4个90°单模弯曲波导损耗随有效曲率半径变化示意图[95]

    Figure 9.  Loss in a π/2 single mode waveguide bend versus effective radius of curvature for four waveguide bend design schemes[95]

    图 10  插分微环滤波器的扫描电镜示意图[115]

    Figure 10.  Scanning electron micrographs of two fabricated add-drop micro-resonator[115]

    图 11  单腔面泪滴型半导体激光器[92]

    Figure 11.  Single-Facet Teardrop semiconductor Laser[92]

    图 12  (a) 弯曲锥形半导体激光器的结构; (b) 封装后器件[131]

    Figure 12.  (a) Schematics of a bent MOPA; (b) mounted device[131]

    图 13  单片集成半导体波导,分束器和单光子光源[136]

    Figure 13.  Monolithic on-chip integration of semiconductor waveguides, beamsplitters and single-photon sources[136]

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