摘要: 本文主要综述了国内外便携式激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)系统的研究进展和应用情况。目前该系统主要针对金属元素进行检测,对非金属等轻元素的定量分析需要较大能量的激光激发,但受限于激光器和光谱仪等组件体积的影响,研发便携式、高精度LIBS系统有较高难度。本文针对全元素检测便携设备的研发,利用限域和高压放电脉冲得到了增强的LIBS信号,降低了激光能量,从物理机理上给出了便携式LIBS设备研发的新方向。Abstract: The development of portable laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) both in China and abroad is reviewed in this paper. At present, most of the portable LIBS systems are aiming at detecting metallic elements. In order to analyze the samples containing light elements, a high power laser is necessary. But limited by the volume of laser and spectrograph, it is hard to produce a smaller laser with high laser power output and difficult to analyze light elements quantitatively with a low power laser. So, there is an obstacle to develop the high precision and portable LIBS systems. Aiming at full elements detection, the signal intensity will be enhanced and the power of excitation energy will be increased by spatial confined and high voltage discharged pulse, which can physically provide the development direction of portable LIBS system.
图 3 (a)调Q激光器双脉冲共线输出的时间分辨(Nd\:YAG/1 064 nm, 脉冲间隔在30~70 μs可控);(b)两脉冲的时间间隔和输出能量之间的关系[13-14]
Figure 3. (a) The time arrangement of the Q-switch laser coaxial output (Nd\:YAG/1 064 nm, the delay between the double pulses can be controlled in 30-70 μs); (b) The relation of the time delay and the double pulse output energy [13-14]
图 10 光纤激光LIBS检测系统(脉冲光纤激光为基于主振荡器功率放大器MOPA的YDELP-20-PRO-S,输出波长为1 064 nm±3 nm,脉宽为10~200 ns,频率为25~400 kHz可调,最大输出能量为0.4 mJ[30])
Figure 10. Fiber laser-LIBS system (pulsed fiber laser YDELP-20-PRO-S based on the master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) configuration, with wavelength of 1 064 nm±6 nm, pulse width of 10-200 ns, repetition rates of 25-400 kHz and the maximum pulse energy is up to 0.4 mJ [30])
图 12 高压脉冲放电辅助LIBS信号增强示意图(柱形电极直径为5 mm,电极前端为半球形尖端,两个电极有5 mm间隙,并成一定角度放置在样品表面上方约2 mm处[37-38])
Figure 12. The high voltage discharged used for LIBS signal enhancement (the electrodes are cylindrical rods of 5 mm in diameter with a hemisphere shaped tip, and angled toward the sample, the lowest edge of each electrode tip is ~2 mm above the sample[37-38])
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