摘要: 本文面向空间点目标探测,设计了基于高灵敏度CMOS传感器的空间点目标探测系统。首先对CMOS传感器图像进行降噪,提高传感器的探测灵敏度;其次,采用DSP+FPGA嵌入式架构,设计了基于星图匹配信息构建的点目标探测算法,并详细介绍了算法原理和步骤。最后,采用电子星图模拟器对该探测系统进行测试。结果表明:该嵌入式系统具备1 024×1 024@20p格式视频的实时处理能力,可以探测6等星。当信噪比大于6,视轴指向误差小于1°时,对于不同运动速度、不同尺寸点目标均能准确探测,识别正确率接近100%。综合而言,该空间点目标探测方法的计算精度高、适应性强、可靠性高,能够应用于空间点目标的有效探测。Abstract: In this paper, a space point target detection system is designed based on highly sensitive CMOS sensor. Firstly, noise reduction of CMOS sensor image is carried out to improve the sensitivity of the detection sensor; secondly, by using DSP+FPGA embedded architecture, a point target detection algorithm based on star map matching is designed and the principle and steps of the algorithm are introduced in detail. Finally, the electronic star map simulator is used to test the detection system. The results show that the embedded system can process 1 024×1 024@20p format videos in real-time, and the sixth-magnitude stars can be detected. When the SNR is greater than 6 and the pointing error is less than 1°, targets which with different speed and size can be detected with a detection accuracy of nearly 100%. In summary, the space point target detection method has high computational precision, strong adaptability and high reliability, and can be effectively applied to the space point target detection.
Key words:
- CMOS sensor /
- point target detection /
- star map matching /
- embedded system
表 1 星点详细信息
Table 1. Details of the stars point
HIP编号 HD编号 V星等 高度角/(°) 光谱型 是否提取 HIP89482 167965 5.56 79 B7IV 是 HIP89604 168322 6.12 85 G8.5IIIbFe-1CH0.5 是 HIP89962 168723 3.23 46 K0III-IV 是 HIP91262 172167 0.03 87.5 A0Va 是 HIP92862 175865 4.08 79.5 M5III 是 HIP93408 177196 5 77 A7V 是 HIP93747 177724 2.99 61.5 A0Vn 是 HIP94481 180163 4.43 75 B2.5IV 是 HIP95501 182640 3.36 49 F3IV 是 HIP95947 183912 3.05 70 K3II+B9.5V 是 HIP95853 184006 3.76 71 A5Vn 是 HIP95853 184006 3.75 77 A5Vn 是 HIP96441 185395 4.45 77 F4V 是 HIP99655 192696 4.25 70 A3IV-Vn 是 HIP99951 192944 5.3 71.5 G8III 是 HIP100453 194093 2.23 67 F8Ib 是 HIP100453 194093 2.2 86 F8Ib 是 -
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