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Synthesis of chitosan-based polymer carbon dots fluorescent materials and application of self-assembled drug-loading

YU Shu-juan CHEN Kuan WANG Feng ZHU Yong-fei

于淑娟, 陈宽, 汪丰, 朱永飞. 壳聚糖基聚合物碳点荧光材料合成及其自组装载药应用[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2018, 11(3): 420-430. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0420
引用本文: 于淑娟, 陈宽, 汪丰, 朱永飞. 壳聚糖基聚合物碳点荧光材料合成及其自组装载药应用[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2018, 11(3): 420-430. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0420
YU Shu-juan, CHEN Kuan, WANG Feng, ZHU Yong-fei. Synthesis of chitosan-based polymer carbon dots fluorescent materials and application of self-assembled drug-loading[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(3): 420-430. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0420
Citation: YU Shu-juan, CHEN Kuan, WANG Feng, ZHU Yong-fei. Synthesis of chitosan-based polymer carbon dots fluorescent materials and application of self-assembled drug-loading[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(3): 420-430. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0420



广西自然科学基金项目 2016GXNSFAA380203


    于淑娟(1977-), 女, 吉林长春人, 博士, 副教授, 硕士研究生导师, 2001年、2004年于长春工业大学分别获得学士、硕士学位, 2007年于大连理工大学获得博士学位, 主要从事荧光碳纳米材料、高分子光稳定剂的合成与应用性能方面的研究。E-mail:ysj2007@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O613.71;TB383

Synthesis of chitosan-based polymer carbon dots fluorescent materials and application of self-assembled drug-loading

doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0420

Natural Science Fund of Guangxi Province of China 2016GXNSFAA380203

More Information
  • 摘要: 荧光碳点具有化学稳定性好、毒性小、可表面功能化等优点,引起了人们极大的兴趣。近年来,由高分子多糖合成的聚合物碳点成为另一研究热点。本文通过水热法合成了一种壳聚糖基荧光聚合物碳点材料(P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs),并用于载药研究。基于壳聚糖和聚乙二醇既是碳点的碳源也是碳点的钝化试剂,本文选择壳聚糖接枝聚乙二醇单甲醚和柠檬酸衍生物作为聚合物碳点的碳源,以提高聚合碳点的量子产率。另外,聚合物碳点还可以保留聚乙二醇与壳聚糖分子结构,为其在载药方面的应用提供有利条件。采用红外光谱、紫外光谱、X射线衍射、光电子能谱、透射电子显微镜和光致发光光谱对P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs进行了结构表征以及pH值稳定性的测试。结果表明,所合成的P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs具有较高的荧光量子产率(66.81%)、较长的荧光寿命(15.247 ns)、良好的pH稳定性。以阿霉素为模型药物,利用该聚合物碳点进行了负载研究,结果表明,当聚乙二醇单甲醚取代度为11.9%时,聚合物碳点的载药量最高为51.3%,最大药物释放率为28.7%,此外,药物的装载和释放可以通过mPEG的接枝率进行控制。采用MTT法评价了聚合物的碳点对鼻咽癌细胞(CNE-2)的毒性作用。研究表明,空白聚合物碳点无明显细胞毒性,CNE-2细胞存活率随着载药胶束的增加而降低,说明载药胶束对CNE-2细胞有较强的抑制作用。可见该P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs在荧光标记、药物递送、荧光示踪系统和控制释放方面,具有一定的应用前景。


  • Figure 1.  Illustration of the formation of P(CS-g-mPEG- CA)CDs from CS, mPEGEA and CA via a hydrothermal approach and the drug-loaded micelles

    Figure 2.  FT-IR spectra of CS-g-mPEG(a), CS-g-mPEG-CA(b) and P(CS-g-mPEG-CA) CDs(c)

    Figure 3.  XRD patterns of P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs(a), CS-g-mPEG-CA(b) and CS(c)

    Figure 4.  XPS survey spectrum of P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs(a); High resolution XPS spectrum of C1s region(b); High resolution XPS spectrum of N1s region(c); High resolution XPS spectrum of O1s region(d)

    Figure 5.  UV-Vis spectrum and the maximum PL excitation and emission spectra of P CS-g-mPEG-CA) CDs in water and their digital photographs(a) under daylight and UV light(b)(A); PL emission spectra of P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs under different wavelength excitations(B); Fluorescence lifetime(C) and fluorescence quantum yield(QY)(D) of the P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs I, II, and III; Effect of the pH on the P(CS-g-mPEG-CA) CDs fluorescence, (all of the experiments were excited at 360nm)(E)

    Figure 6.  TEM of P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs(a) and HRTEM of the P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs/DOX(b)

    Figure 7.  In vitro release of DOX from P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs micelles in the PBS(pH 7.4)

    Figure 8.  Cell viability of the CNE-2 cells after incubation with the P(CS-g-mPEG-CA)CDs/DOX micelles for 72 h(n=3)

    Table  1.   Elemental analysis data, critical micelle concentration, DL and EE for different micelles

    Samples C/N DSa of mPEG/% DL/% EE/% CMC/(μg·mL-1)
    7.99 4.4 47.9 35.7 0.831 8
    10.52 8.2 49.4 39.6 5.623 4
    12.96 11.9 51.3 40.8 8.317 6
    aDS:degree of substitution.
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