摘要: 受激布里渊散射(SBS)脉宽压缩是实现高峰值功率、短脉冲激光输出的重要途径之一,然而,目前SBS脉宽压缩仅限于1~10 Hz低重复频率激光器,限制了高重频短脉冲激光器在激光雷达、空间碎片探测以及目标成像等领域的应用。基于此,开展了高重复频率下的SBS脉宽压缩实验研究。设计搭建了高重复频率的主振荡放大激光器,开展了SBS二次级联脉宽压缩和SBS振荡放大双池脉宽压缩实验。通过SBS二次级联压缩实现了脉冲宽度从~32 ns压缩到~1.9 ns,脉宽压缩比达16倍;而通过SBS振荡放大双池结构实现了脉冲宽度从~4 ns压缩到376 ps,脉宽压缩比达10倍。实验结果表明,采用该超净封闭型SBS相位共轭镜,在Stokes光输出能量达50 mJ时,无光学击穿现象,实现了在200 Hz高重复频率下的SBS脉宽压缩。Abstract: Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) pulse width compression is one of the important pathway to achieve high peak power and short pulse output. However, the current SBS pulse with compression is limited to 1~10 Hz low repetition frequency lasers, which limits the application of high repetition frequency short pulse lasers in the fields of laser radar, space debris detection, target imaging. Therefore, the experimental study of SBS pulse width compression at high repetition frequency is carried out. The main oscillation amplification laser with high repetition frequency is designed and the SBS secondary cascade pulse width compression and SBS oscillation amplification double pool pulse width compression experiments are carried out. Through SBS secondary cascade compression, the pulse width is compressed from ~32 ns to ~1.9 ns, and the pulse width compression ratio is up to 16 times. The SBS oscillation amplification double-cell structure realizes the pulse width from ~4 ns to 376 ps, and the pulse width compression ratio is up to 10 times. The experimental results show that no optical breakdown occurred in case of the ultra-clean closed SBS phase conjugation mirror when the output power of Stokes light reaches 50mJ, thus achieving SBS pulse width compression at a high repetition rate of 200 Hz.
表 1 SBS介质物理化学特性
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of SBS medium
液体 运动粘度/
(GW·cm-2)FC-770 0.793 0.57 3.5 1 081 0.001 1 198 -
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