Linearity testing device for the photoelectric detecting system of solar spectrometers
摘要: 依据光叠加原理研制了一台太阳光谱仪光电探测系统线性度测试装置。该测试装置由300 W高稳定度氙灯光源、250 W卤钨灯光源、双层中性滤光片轮、双孔光阑及光学成像系统组成。依靠中性滤光片改变光束强度,依靠独立开闭的双光阑和光学成像系统实现光流叠加。该装置工作波段为200~2 400 nm,可模拟紫外-可见-红外波段地外太阳光谱辐照度,动态范围为104,已用于太阳光谱仪等光谱仪和硅光电二极管标准探测器等光电探测系统线性测量。Abstract: According to the optical beam superposition principle, a set of linearity measurement devices of spectrometer photoelectrical detecting system was developed. It consists of a 300 W super-quiet xenon lamp, a 250 W halogen tungsten lamp, a neutral filter group, double apertures and optical imaging system. The radiant power of the optical beams is manipulated with neutral filters and optical beam superposition is achieved using double apertures and optical imaging system. The spectral range of this device is 200-2 400 nm and the dynamic range of the linearity measurement is 104. It can simulate the extraterrestrial solar spectral irradiance and can be used for measuring linearity in solar spectrometer photoelectrical systems and silicon photodiode standard detection.
Key words:
- linearity /
- detecting system /
- spectrometer /
- radiometry
表 1 滤光片光密度和透过率
Table 1. Optical density and the transmittance of the neutral filters
Filter wheel Filter labels No.1 No.2 Optical density Transmittance/% Optical density Transmittance/% 1 0 100 0 100 2 1 10 0.1 79.43 3 2 1 0.3 50.12 4 3 0.1 0.5 31.62 5 4 0.01 / / 表 2 线性测量综合不确定度
Table 2. Uncertainty of linearity testing
Uncertainty sources Uncertainty/% VA reading stability and reproducibility 0.1 VB reading stability and reproducibility 0.1 V(A+B) reading stability and reproducibility 0.1 Combined uncertainty 0.14 -
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