摘要: 硅基探测成像器件具有可靠性高、易集成和成本低等优点,是目前应用最广泛的探测成像器件。随着人工智能和无人驾驶等技术的日益发展,对探测成像器件提出了更高的要求,而硅基探测成像器件性能的提升成为重要的研究方向。量子点具有吸收系数大、光谱可调、发光效率高和易集成等优点,是一类优异的光谱转换和光调制材料。利用量子点材料可调制的光学特性,可以对硅基探测成像器件的功能进行拓展,从而实现紫外响应增强、红外响应拓展、紫外偏振探测和多光谱成像等功能。经过多年的研究,这一领域已经取得了一定的进展,部分技术展现出较好的应用前景。本文介绍了量子点增强硅基探测器在紫外探测、红外成像、偏振探测和多光谱成像方面的研究进展,希望能够引起国内学术界和工业界的关注和重视。Abstract: Silicon-based photodetectors have been widely investigated due to their high reliability, easy integration and low cost. With the development of artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, research and performance enhancement of silicon-based photodetectors is an important field of research. Quantum dots are excellent light-conversion and light-modulation materials due to their superior absorption coefficient, tunable spectra, high photoluminescence quantum yield and simple integration. The tunable light absorption and phototuminesence properties of quantum dots make them suitable materials for enhancing the detection. Quantum dots enhanced silicon-based photodetectors are emerging as a new technique to advance the performance of detection and imaging. In particular, they show potential to expand the functionality of CCD and CMOS devices and further satisfy increasing demands for detection. In this review, we summarized the progress of quantum dot-enhanced silicon-based photodetectors in the field of ultraviolet detection, infrared imaging, polarization detection and spectral detection, hoping to attract the attentions of domestic colleagues.
Key words:
- imaging detection /
- quantum dot /
- silicon-based photodetector /
- polarization
图 2 3种量子点透射电镜照片及其吸收/荧光光谱图。(a)和(b) CdSe量子点[15];(c)和(d) CdSe@CdS点棒[31];(e)和(f) CH3NH3PbX3量子点及其在自然光和紫外光下的照片[23]
Figure 2. Transmission electron microscopy images and absorption/fluorescence spectra of three kinds of quantum dots. (a), (b) CdSe quantum dots[15]; (c), (d) CdSe@CdS core/shell rods[31]; (e), (f) CH3NH3PbX3 quantum dots and photograph under natural and ultraviolet light[23]
表 1 CCD与CMOS成像器件关键参数对比
Table 1. Comparison of key parameters for CCD and CMOS
关键参数 CCD CMOS 像素信号 电荷包 电压 芯片信号 模拟电压 比特(数字) 灵敏度 高 较高 动态范围 高 中至高 一致性 高 稍微较低 成本 较高 较低 -
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