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刘翠翠 林楠 熊聪 曼玉选 赵碧瑶 刘素平 马骁宇

刘翠翠, 林楠, 熊聪, 曼玉选, 赵碧瑶, 刘素平, 马骁宇. Si杂质扩散诱导InGaAs/AlGaAs量子阱混杂的研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(1): 203-216. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201301.0203
引用本文: 刘翠翠, 林楠, 熊聪, 曼玉选, 赵碧瑶, 刘素平, 马骁宇. Si杂质扩散诱导InGaAs/AlGaAs量子阱混杂的研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(1): 203-216. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201301.0203
LIU Cui-cui, LIN Nan, XIONG Cong, MAN Yu-xuan, ZHAO Bi-yao, LIU Su-ping, MA Xiao-yu. Intermixing in InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures induced by the interdiffusion of Si impurities[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(1): 203-216. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201301.0203
Citation: LIU Cui-cui, LIN Nan, XIONG Cong, MAN Yu-xuan, ZHAO Bi-yao, LIU Su-ping, MA Xiao-yu. Intermixing in InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures induced by the interdiffusion of Si impurities[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(1): 203-216. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201301.0203



半导体激光器军民两用基金预研项目 No.41414010302


    刘翠翠(1993-), 女, 河北沧州人, 博士研究生, 2015年于河北工业大学获得学士学位, 主要从事大功率半导体激光器等方面的研究。E-mail:sissiliu@semi.ac.cn

    马骁宇(1963-), 男, 吉林延吉人, 硕士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事大功率半导体激光器等方面的研究。E-mail:maxy@semi.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN248.4;TN314+.3

Intermixing in InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures induced by the interdiffusion of Si impurities


Semiconductor laser preliminary research project No.41414010302

More Information
  • 摘要: 光学灾变损伤(COD)常发生于量子阱半导体激光器的前腔面处,极大地影响了激光器的出光功率及寿命。通过杂质诱导量子阱混杂技术使腔面区波长蓝移来制备非吸收窗口是抑制腔面COD的有效手段,也是一种高效率、低成本方法。本文选择了Si杂质作为量子阱混杂的诱导源,使用金属有机化学气相沉积设备生长了InGaAs/AlGaAs量子阱半导体激光器外延结构、Si杂质扩散层及Si3N4保护层。热退火处理后,Si杂质扩散诱导量子阱区和垒区材料互扩散,量子阱禁带变宽,输出波长发生蓝移。退火会影响外延片的表面形貌,而表面形貌则可能会影响后续封装工艺中电极的制备。结合光学显微镜及光致发光谱的测试结果,得到825℃/2 h退火条件下约93 nm的最大波长蓝移量,也证明退火对表面形貌的改变,不会影响波长蓝移效果及后续电极工艺。


  • 图 1  半导体激光器的腔面COD现象。(a)PICS3D软件模拟所得芯片沿腔长方向的二维光强分布; (b) EL测试中产生的前腔面COD现象

    Figure 1.  (Color online)COD phenomenon at the cavity surface of LD. (a) Distribution of 2D optical intensity profile along the direction of cavity length simulated by PICS3D; (b) COD phenomenon of the front cavity surface in EL test

    图 2  产生COD的机制

    Figure 2.  The mechanisms of COD

    图 3  InGaAs/AlGaAs量子阱激光器的外延结构

    Figure 3.  The epitaxy structure of InGaAs/AlGaAs QW LD

    图 4  InGaAs/AlGaAs量子阱激光器的PL谱测试结果。(a)芯片PL谱Mapping结果; (b)芯片PL谱

    Figure 4.  PL spectrum of chip. (a) The mapping results of PL testing; (b) PL spectrum of chip

    图 5  InGaAs/AlGaAs量子外延层的ECV测试结果

    Figure 5.  ECV test results of InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum epitaxial layer

    图 6  A-si组样品RTA前后的表面形貌。(a)退火前; (b)850℃/120s快速热退火; (c)有GaAs盖片,850℃/120s快速热退火

    Figure 6.  Surface morphologies of group A-Si samples before and after RTA. (a) Before RTA; (b) after RTA at 850 ℃/120s; (c) with GaAs cover after RTA at 850℃/120s

    图 7  A组样品RTA后的PL谱测试结果。(a)A-0组样品RTA后的中心波长; (b)A-0组样品RTA后的发光强度; (c)A-Si组样品RTA后的中心波长; (d)A-Si组样品RTA后的发光强度

    Figure 7.  PL spectra of group A samples after RTA. (a) The central wavelength of A-0 samples after RTA; (b) the intensity of A-0 samples after RTA; (c) the central wavelength of A-Si samples after RTA; (d) the intensity of A-Si samples after RTA

    图 8  B组样品退火前后的表面形貌。(a)B-0组样品,无退火; (b)B-0组样品,850℃/1h退火; (c)B-si组,无退火; (d)B-si组样品,850℃/1 h退火

    Figure 8.  Surface morphology of group B samples before and after annealing. (a) B-0 samples before annealing; (b) B-0 samples after annealing at 850℃/1 h; (c) B-Si samples before annealing; (d) B-Si samples after annealing at 850℃/1h

    图 9  B组样品退火后的PL谱测试结果。(a)退火后的中心波长; (b)退火后的发光强度

    Figure 9.  PL spectra of group B samples after annealing. (a) The central wavelength after annealing; (b) The intensity after annealing

    表  1  InGaAs/AlGaAs量子阱激光器的外延结构及相应参数

    Table  1.   Epitaxial structure and parameters of InGaAs/AlGaAs QW LD

    NO. Layer Material Composition Thickness Dopant
    13 contract P-GaAs _ 150 nm C/P++
    12 grin p-AlxGaAs 0.37-0.1 67 nm C/P+
    11 cladding p-AlxGaAs 0.37 1100 nm C/P
    10 grin p-AlxGaAs 0.255-0.37 120nm C/P
    9 upper waveguide p-AlxGaAs 0.255 380 nm C/P
    8 grin p-AlxGaAs 0.1-0.255 30 nm Un.
    7 QW InxGaAs 0.267 7.4 nm Un.
    6 grin n-AlxGaAs 0.255-0.1 30 nm Un.
    5 lower waveguide n-AlxGaAs 0.255 800 nm Si/N
    4 grin n-AlxGaAs 0.31-0.255 100 nm Si/N
    3 cladding n-AlxGaAs 0.31 1460 nm Si/N
    2 buffer n-GaAs _ 500 nm Si/N
    1 substrate n-GaAs _ 450 μm
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