Determination of the inner-surface profile of a capsule using chromatic confocal spectroscopy
摘要: 靶丸内表面轮廓是激光核聚变靶丸的关键参数,需要精密检测。本文首先分析了基于白光共焦光谱和精密气浮轴系的靶丸内表面轮廓测量基本原理,建立了靶丸内表面轮廓的白光共焦光谱测量方法。此外,搭建了靶丸内表面轮廓测量实验装置,建立了基于靶丸光学图像的辅助调心方法,实现了靶丸内表面轮廓的精密测量,获得了准确的靶丸内表面轮廓曲线;最后,对测量结果的可靠性进行了实验验证和不确定度分析,结果表明,白光共焦光谱能实现靶丸内表面低阶轮廓的精密测量,其测量不确定度优于0.1 μm。Abstract: The inner surface profile of capsule, which is one of the essential parameters of laser nuclear fusion capsule, needs to be measured precisely. In this paper, the basic measurement principle of the capsule's inner surface profile, which is based on the white light confocal spectrum and precision air flotation bearing, is analyzed firstly and the corresponding measuring method is presented.Then, the experimental apparatus applied to measure the inner surface profile of capsule is developed, and an auxiliary aligning method based on optical image is proposed. The precise measurement of the inner surface profile of capsule is achieved and the accurate inner surface profile curve of capsule is obtained. Finally, the reliability of measured data is verified experimentally and the measuring uncertainty is analyzed. The experimental results illustrate that the inner surface profile of capsule can be measured accurately using white light confocal spectrum and the measuring uncertainty is less than 0.1 μm.
Key words:
- chromatic confocal spectrum /
- inner surface profile /
- capsule /
- laser fusion
表 1 测量不确定度分量表
Table 1. Components of measurement uncertainty
不确定度分量 不确定度来源 不确定度大小/nm u1 直接测量误差 39 u2 轴系的回转误差 44 u3 重复性测量误差 41 u4 校准模型误差 52 -
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