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苏安 蒙成举 江思婷 高英俊

苏安, 蒙成举, 江思婷, 高英俊. 复介质对光量子阱光传输特性的激活效应[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(2): 396-410. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0396
引用本文: 苏安, 蒙成举, 江思婷, 高英俊. 复介质对光量子阱光传输特性的激活效应[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(2): 396-410. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0396
SU An, MENG Cheng-ju, JIANG Si-ting, GAO Ying-jun. Activation effect of complex medium on the optical propagation properties of optical quantum well[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(2): 396-410. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0396
Citation: SU An, MENG Cheng-ju, JIANG Si-ting, GAO Ying-jun. Activation effect of complex medium on the optical propagation properties of optical quantum well[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(2): 396-410. doi: 10.3788/CO.20201302.0396



国家自然科学基金 51161003

河池学院2018年高层次人才科研启动费项目 XJ2018GKQ017

广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目 2018ky0501

国家级大学生创新计划训练项目 201910605016



    蒙成举(1979—),男,广西环江人,高级实验师,硕士学位,2016年于广西大学获得工程硕士学位,现工作于河池学院物理与机电工程学院,主要从事光子晶体方面的研究。E-mail: mengchengju@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O431;O483;O734

Activation effect of complex medium on the optical propagation properties of optical quantum well


National Natural Science Foundation of China 51161003

Hechi University′s 2018 High-level Talents Scientific Research Start-up Project XJ2018GKQ017

Guangxi Colleges and Universities′ Young and Middle-aged Teachers′ Basic Ability Improvement Project 2018ky0501

National College Students′ Innovation Plan Training Project 201910605016

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Su An(1973—), male, born in Du'an, Guangxi.Professor, master degree.In 2009, he received his Master of Science degree from Guangxi University.Now he is working in the Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Hechi University, where he is mainly engaged in the research of photonic crystals.E-mail:suan3283395@163.com

    Meng Cheng-ju(1979—), male, born in Huaijiang, Guangxi.Senior Experimentalist, master degree.In 2016, he received his master degree from Guangxi University.Now he is working in the Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Hechi University, where he is mainly engaged in the research of photonic crystals.E-mail:mengchengju@163.com

    Corresponding author: Meng Cheng-ju, E-mail:mengchengju@163.com
  • 摘要: 利用传输矩阵法研究复介质对光量子阱光传输特性的激活效应机制,结果表明复介质可有效激活光量子阱的光透射率和内部局域电场。无论组成光量子阱的介质是实介质还是复介质,光量子阱内部均存在局域电场,且局域电场均会产生频率量子化并在透射谱中出现分立的窄透射峰。在介质A中掺入激活性杂质的复介电常数虚部k为正时,光量子阱内部局域电场和分立窄透射峰的透射率均出现衰减现象,且随着k值增大内部局域电场单调衰减越来越明显,但光量子阱不同波长位置的局域电场对k值的响应灵敏度不同,其中光量子阱中心波长处对应的电场对k值响应最灵敏;当复介电常数的虚部k为负值时,光量子阱内部局域电场和分立窄透射峰的透射率均出现增益放大现象,随着负虚部|k|值增大,内部局域电场先增大至极大值随后衰减,但光量子阱不同波长位置的局域电场增益放大的极大值及其对应的|k|值大小不同,其中光量子阱短波方向局域电场对|k|值响应最灵敏,长波方向局域电场对|k|值响应灵敏度最低。研究复介质对光量子阱光传输特性的调制机制,对新型光学滤波器、光学放大器和光学全反射镜的理论研究与实际设计,以及光量子阱光传输特性的内在机制研究等,均具有积极的指导意义。


  • 图 1  一维光子晶体量子阱结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Structural diagram of 1D photonic crystal well

    图 2  一维光子晶体的带隙结构。(a)(ABA)10; (b)(AB)5(BA)5

    Figure 2.  Band-gap structure of 1D photonic crystals.(a)(ABA)10; (b)(AB)5(BA)5

    图 3  光量子阱(AB)3(ABA)n(BA)3的透射谱

    Figure 3.  Transmission spectra of PQW(AB)3(ABA)n(BA)3

    图 4  (AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3的透射谱与电场分布

    Figure 4.  Transmission spectrum and electric field distributions of PQW(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3

    图 5  εA=6.670+0.1i时(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3的透射谱与电场分布

    Figure 5.  Transmission spectrum and electric field distributions of PQW(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3 with εA of 6.670+0.1i

    图 6  εA=6.670-0.02i时(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3的透射谱与电场分布

    Figure 6.  Transmission spectrum and electric field distributions of PQW(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3 with εA of 6.670-0.02i

    图 7  εA=6.670+ki时, k对(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3内部电场的影响

    Figure 7.  Electric field distributions versus k of PQW(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3 with εA of 6.670+ki

    图 8  εA=6.670-ki时, k对(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3内部电场的影响

    Figure 8.  Electric field distributions versus k of PQW(AB)3(ABA)4(BA)3 with εA of 6.670-ki

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