Ultrafast spectroscopy techniques and their complementary usages
摘要: 超快光谱技术是研究物质激发态过程的重要手段,本文对飞秒时间分辨荧光技术和飞秒泵浦探测技术这两个重要的超快光谱技术进行了详细介绍,阐述了系统的原理、光路及数据处理方法,给出了不同的实现方法并比较了其优缺点。最后通过一个实例说明这两个技术的互补性,通过结合使用两个系统,能够对科学问题进行更全面可靠的研究。Abstract: Ultrafast spectroscopy techniques are powerful tools for exploring the excited-state processes of materials. In this paper, we introduced femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence technique and femtosecond pump-probe technique in detail, including the fundamental principles of systems, optical paths and data processing metheds, as well as the advantage and disadvantage in different implemental schemes. At last, in order to reveal the complementary role, we provided an example in which the scientific problems were solved comprehensively and reliably by combinative usage of the two systems.
Key words:
- ultrafast spectroscopy /
- fluorescence upconversion /
- pump-probe
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