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翟国芳 于庆盛 王蕴龙 高卫军

翟国芳, 于庆盛, 王蕴龙, 高卫军. 双线阵测绘相机视轴抖动实时测量[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(4): 878-888. doi: 10.37188/CO-2022-0175
引用本文: 翟国芳, 于庆盛, 王蕴龙, 高卫军. 双线阵测绘相机视轴抖动实时测量[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(4): 878-888. doi: 10.37188/CO-2022-0175
ZHAI Guo-fang, YU Qing-sheng, WANG Yun-long, GAO Wei-jun. Real-time measurement for boresight vibration of dual line array surveying and mapping cameras[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(4): 878-888. doi: 10.37188/CO-2022-0175
Citation: ZHAI Guo-fang, YU Qing-sheng, WANG Yun-long, GAO Wei-jun. Real-time measurement for boresight vibration of dual line array surveying and mapping cameras[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(4): 878-888. doi: 10.37188/CO-2022-0175


基金项目: 国家重点研发项目(No. 2016YFB0500802)


  • 中图分类号: TH741

Real-time measurement for boresight vibration of dual line array surveying and mapping cameras

Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFB0500802)
More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  相机内外参数星上测量简图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the on-satellite measurement of the camera’s internal and external parameters

    图 2  单台相机内外参数星上测量示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the on-satellite measurement of internal and external parameters of a single camera

    图 3  基于双矢量定姿原理的处理流程

    Figure 3.  Processing flow based on the principle of Dual Vector Attitude Determination(DVAD)

    图 4  不同质心提取精度时各内外参数误差

    Figure 4.  Errors of internal and external parameters with different centroid extraction accuracy

    图 5  质心提取精度为0.1pixel时各测量参数误差

    Figure 5.  Error of each measurement parameter with the centroid extraction accuracy of 0.1 pixel

    图 6  不同焦距时各测量参数误差

    Figure 6.  The errors of each measurement parameter at different focal lengths

    图 7  不同CMOS探测器件间距L时各测量参数误差

    Figure 7.  The errors of each measurement parameter at different device spacing L

    图 8  双矢量方法和简化方法计算得到的内外参残差

    Figure 8.  Internal and external parameter residuals calculated by DVAD and simplified algorithm

    图 9  相机内外参数标定真空试验系统示意图及相机实物图

    Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of vacuum test system for internal and external parameter calibration and the picture of cameras

    图 10  热真空环境下相机内外参在连续2个循环内的标定结果

    Figure 10.  Internal and external parameter calibration results in a thermal vacuum in 2 circles

    表  1  基本输入参数

    Table  1.   Basic input parameters

    $ {OX_{{\text{OTA}}}}{Y_{{\text{OTA}}}}{Z_{{\text{OTA}}}} $镜头物方坐标系, $ O $为坐标原点,
    ${O' X' _{ {\text{OTA} } } }{ Y' _{ {\text{OTA} } } }{ Z_{ {\text{OTA} } } }$镜头像方坐标系,$ O' $为坐标原点,$ O'{X'_{{\text{OTA}}}} $从原点指向CCD线阵中心,$ {O'Z_{{\text{OTA}}}} $为视轴方向,第三轴符合右手定则
    $ {OX_{{\text{HRC}}}}{Y_{{\text{HRC}}}}{Z_{{\text{HRC}}}} $相机坐标系, $ {Z_{{\text{HRC}}}} $从CCD中心指向$O $点, $ {Y_{{\text{HRC}}}} $与 $ {Y_{{\text{OTA}}}} $方向一致
    $M_1 M_2 $焦平面上分置于CCD两端的面阵探测器
    $ {\theta _{m1}},{\theta _{m2}} $M1,M2探测器转角
    $ \begin{array}{l}{A}_{0}({x}_{c1},{y}_{c1}),\\ {B}_{0}({x}_{c2},{y}_{c2})\end{array} $M1,M2探测器中心点
    $ \begin{array}{l}{A}_{1}({x}_{01},{y}_{01}),\\ {B}_{1}({x}_{02},{y}_{02})\end{array} $M1,M2探测器坐标系下的初始坐标
    $ \begin{array}{l}{A}_{2}({x}_{11},{y}_{11}),\\ {B}_{2}({x}_{22},{y}_{22})\end{array} $M1,M2探测器坐标系下的实测坐标
    $ {F_{{\text{OTA}}}} $相机焦距
    $ \omega $离轴角
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    表  2  基本输入参数

    Table  2.   Basic input parameters

    像素大小$ d $/μm10
    离轴角$ \omega $/(°)6
    尺度因子/$ Kf $0.5
    M1探测器转角$ {\theta _{m1}} $/(°)0
    M2探测器转角$ {\theta _{m2}} $/(°)0
    M1初始点坐标 A1/pixel(0,0)
    焦距, $ F_0 $/mm6000
    $ {L_{c1}} $/mm500
    $ {L_{c2}} $/mm−500
    M1M2 探测器像素规模5120×3840
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