Real-time measurement for boresight vibration of dual line array surveying and mapping cameras
Abstract:In order to realize the real-time measurement of the boresight vibration of the dual line array surveying and mapping camera, a measurement model of the optical axis of the aerospace line array surveying and mapping camera is established. First, by setting up laser transceivers at both ends of the focal plane of the camera, through the central prism correlation, an angle parameter change measurement model for the two cameras is constructed. An optical axis measurement method for multi-line array cameras based on the dual-vector attitude determination principle is proposed. The calculation expression is given and the algorithm error is analyzed, which is verified by simulation. In addition, the residuals of the two algorithms are simulated and the results show that the simplified algorithm is only in good agreement with the dual vector algorithm in a small measurement range but when the detection range is expanded to 2 seconds, the algorithm in this article can be used to obtain 0.1 arc-second. Finally, the algorithm was tested and verified in a thermal vacuum environment, which verified that the calibration accuracy of the internal and external parameters of the camera using this algorithm reached 0.1 arc-second. The results showed that the angle parameters of the two cameras exhibited the periodicity of the orbit, which provided good conditions for the subsequent development of stereo surveying and mapping tasks.
表 1 基本输入参数
Table 1. Basic input parameters
符号 定义 $ {OX_{{\text{OTA}}}}{Y_{{\text{OTA}}}}{Z_{{\text{OTA}}}} $ 镜头物方坐标系, $ O $为坐标原点, ${O' X' _{ {\text{OTA} } } }{ Y' _{ {\text{OTA} } } }{ Z_{ {\text{OTA} } } }$ 镜头像方坐标系,$ O' $为坐标原点,$ O'{X'_{{\text{OTA}}}} $从原点指向CCD线阵中心,$ {O'Z_{{\text{OTA}}}} $为视轴方向,第三轴符合右手定则 $ {OX_{{\text{HRC}}}}{Y_{{\text{HRC}}}}{Z_{{\text{HRC}}}} $ 相机坐标系, $ {Z_{{\text{HRC}}}} $从CCD中心指向$O $点, $ {Y_{{\text{HRC}}}} $与 $ {Y_{{\text{OTA}}}} $方向一致 $M_1 M_2 $ 焦平面上分置于CCD两端的面阵探测器 $ {\theta _{m1}},{\theta _{m2}} $ M1,M2探测器转角 $ \begin{array}{l}{A}_{0}({x}_{c1},{y}_{c1}),\\ {B}_{0}({x}_{c2},{y}_{c2})\end{array} $ M1,M2探测器中心点 $ \begin{array}{l}{A}_{1}({x}_{01},{y}_{01}),\\ {B}_{1}({x}_{02},{y}_{02})\end{array} $ M1,M2探测器坐标系下的初始坐标 $ \begin{array}{l}{A}_{2}({x}_{11},{y}_{11}),\\ {B}_{2}({x}_{22},{y}_{22})\end{array} $ M1,M2探测器坐标系下的实测坐标 $ {F_{{\text{OTA}}}} $ 相机焦距 $ \omega $ 离轴角 表 2 基本输入参数
Table 2. Basic input parameters
参数 数值 像素大小$ d $/μm 10 离轴角$ \omega $/(°) 6 尺度因子/$ Kf $ 0.5 M1探测器转角$ {\theta _{m1}} $/(°) 0 M2探测器转角$ {\theta _{m2}} $/(°) 0 M1初始点坐标 A1/pixel (0,0) M2初始点坐标B1/pixel (0,0) 焦距, $ F_0 $/mm 6000 $ {L_{c1}} $/mm 500 $ {L_{c2}} $/mm −500 M1、M2 探测器像素规模 5120×3840 -
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