Interrogation technology for quasi-distributed optical fiber sensing systems based on microwave photonics
doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0121
摘要: 准分布式光纤传感系统在土木工程、能源勘测、航空航天、国防、化工等领域一直发挥着不可替代的重要作用。以微波光子学为基础的准分布式光纤传感解调技术被广泛应用于光纤复用系统的快速、高精度的信号解调与传感器定位。与传统的光学波长解调方案相比,该技术大幅提高了系统的解调速率,弥补了传统解调方法在传感器定位方面的缺陷。本文主要介绍了近年来国内外在基于微波光子学的准分布式光纤传感解调领域的研究进展,从光纤光栅准分布式传感系统和光纤法布里-珀罗准分布式传感系统两方面入手,对比分析了现有的数种微波解调光纤准分布式系统的优缺点,并对基于微波光子学的准分布式光纤传感解调技术的未来发展方向进行了总结与展望。Abstract: Quasi-distributed fiber sensing systems play an important role in the fields of civil engineering, energy surveying, aerospace, national defense, chemicals, etc. Interrogation technology for quasi-distributed fiber sensing systems based on microwave photonics is widely used in high-speed and high-precision signal demodulation and sensor positioning in optical fiber multiplexing systems. Compared to conventional optical wavelength interrogation, this technology greatly improves system demodulation rate and compensates for the defects of traditional sensor positioning methods. This paper introduces the recent research progress of quasi-distributed fiber sensing interrogation technology based on microwave photonics; compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of several existing microwave demodulation systems from the perspective of their fiber grating quasi-distributed sensing and fiber Fabry-Perot quasi-distributed sensing systems, respectively; and provides a summary of the prospective direction of future research in quasi-distributed fiber sensing interrogation technology based on microwave photonics.
图 5 基于双Sagnac环和差分滤波的WDM准分布式传感微波解调系统。(a)系统结构示意图;(b)双Sagnac环光谱图;(c)由频域响应逆傅里叶变换得到的时域响应谱[27]。
Figure 5. WDM quasi-distributed sensing microwave demodulation system based on double Sagnac loops and differential filtering. (a) System structure diagram; (b) Spectra of double Sagnac loops; (c) Time-domain response spectrum obtained from frequency response IFFT[27]
表 1 Comparison of different microwave demodulation concepts for FBG quasi-distributed system
Table 1. Comparison of different microwave demodulation concepts for FBG quasi-distributed system
capacity/piece/mSpatial resolution/m Demodulation rate Other characteristics Microwave photonic filter structure[23] 500 (experiment) 0.2 Limited by the VNA scanning rate Capable of demodulating the dense systems with a spacing less than coherence length Microwave photonic filter structure + wide-spectrum differential filtering[27] 19400 (theory) 0.1 Limited by the VNA scanning rate Suitable for the demodulation of WDM system; immune to power fluctuations Microwave photonic heterodyne +DCF-SMF dual-channel demodulation[33] 105 (experiment) 1 80 kHz Dynamic demodulation; wavelength demodulation accuracy: 6.96 pm Incoherent optical frequency domain reflection from chaotic sources[34] 3640 (experiment) 0.1 Limited by the wavelength scanning rate of light source Low coherent noise; capable of demodulating a large-scale multiplexing system Optoelectronic oscillator structure[39] 62 (theory) 1 0.61 s Signal-to-noise ratio > 35 dB; frequency instability < 28 kHz -
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