The normal alignment method for freeform surfaces based on multiple laser sensor assembly
摘要: 在国产化、技术自主化的大型飞机项目上,对孔位精度的标准正逐步升高,钻头的垂直度又是这一标准中最受关注的条件。机器人自动钻铆系统工作时,所产生的装配误差、磕碰、偏移等状况,不仅降低了制造及检测的准确度,还影响了整个结构件的疲劳性能。针对这一问题,提出了基于多激光传感器装配的自适应自由曲面法线检测技术,搭建了以该方法进行姿态找正的数学模型,并研究了检测装置的标定方法及流程。同时,着重讨论了在自适应方法检测时,利用电子经纬仪等装置进行误差补偿的相关技术。该方法的验证实验结果显示,多组实验数据均达到了法向精度<±0.5°的关键技术指标要求,找正后的法线平均偏差值为0.0667°。该方法能有效补偿在制孔工作中所产生的相关误差,进一步提高机器人的定位精度及法线方向检测精度。Abstract: In large aircraft product automation, the accuracy requirements for hole position detection are gradually increasing, and the vertical accuracy of a drill is the most important evaluation condition for this standard. When drilling and riveting are performed by automatic robotic systems, assembly error, bumps, offsets and other adverse conditions can reduce the accuracy of manufacturing and detection, and in turn the fatigue performance of the entire structure. To solve this problem, we proposed a technique for detecting a freeform surface’s normal-direction based on the adaptive alignment method using multiple laser sensor assemblies, built a mathematical model for posture alignment, and studied the calibration method and process required by the detection device. Additionally, we investigated techniques for error compensation using an electronic theodolite and other devices when the adaptive method is used for detection. In our verification experiments, multiple sets of results demonstrated that the key technical indicators were as follows: normal accuracy < ±0.5°, average deviation after correction is 0.0667°. This method can effectively compensate for the errors affecting hole making in automated manufacturing, and further improve the positioning accuracy and normal-direction detection accuracy of a robot.
表 1 转动角度为1°/次时法线找正实验验证数据
Table 1. Verification data of normal-direction alignment with rotation angle of 1°/time
实验编号 传感器实时测量值/(mm) 计算的法线
/(°)h1 h2 h3 h4 n1_1 41.64 31.17 40.05 27.17 \ \ \ n1_2 41.81 30.97 40.10 26.80 0.5305 0.6863 0.1558 n1_3 42.20 38.99 40.38 26.59 0.7295 0.7809 0.0514 n1_4 42.60 31.04 40.73 26.48 0.7602 0.7987 0.0386 n1_5 43.03 31.09 41.03 26.28 0.7813 0.8269 0.0456 n1_6 43.01 31.09 40.99 26.30 0.7869 0.8113 0.0244 n1_7 43.45 31.15 41.32 26.16 0.8573 0.8222 0.0351 n1_8 44.05 31.40 41.67 26.05 0.7708 0.7889 0.0181 n1_9 44.45 31.51 42.06 25.94 0.7819 0.7772 0.0047 n1_10 44.96 31.70 42.41 25.90 0.9539 0.9091 0.0449 n1_11 45.63 32.06 42.88 25.94 0.8128 0.6916 0.1212 表 2 验证实验后所统计的法线偏差值(abs_err)数据
Table 2. Statistical data of normal deviation value (abs_err) in validated experiments
实验编号 2°_abs_err 1°_abs_err 0.1°_abs_err 0.2°_abs_err n_2 0.2594 0.1558 0.0241 0.0025 n_3 0.0314 0.0514 0.0522 0.0433 n_4 0.0222 0.0386 0.0995 0.0175 n_5 0.0858 0.0456 0.1592 0.0723 n_6 0.3257 0.0244 0.0229 0.0136 n_7 0.1747 0.0351 0.0026 0.0810 n_8 / 0.0181 0.0599 0.0191 n_9 / 0.0047 0.0191 0.0315 n_10 / 0.0449 0.0079 0.0937 n_11 / 0.1212 0.1041 0.0379 -
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