本文开展了多波长纳秒脉冲拉曼激光对行间转移CCD相机的损伤实验。分别研究了496 nm、574 nm、630 nm单波长拉曼激光与混合输出的多波长拉曼激光对CCD的点损伤、线损伤和面损伤情况,测量了不同波长拉曼激光的损伤阈值区间,并根据损伤情况统计拟合,获得了不同波长拉曼激光能量与损伤概率的关系曲线。实验结果表明:混合波长拉曼激光对CCD的损伤阈值低于单波长拉曼激光的损伤阈值,不同波长拉曼激光对于CCD的损伤阈值也存在区别,其中630 nm拉曼激光的损伤阈值低于496 nm激光,574 nm激光的损伤阈值介于496 nm和630 nm拉曼激光之间。在此基础上,通过分析CCD不同损伤情况的显微图像,以及受损伤CCD的电子学特性,对拉曼激光损伤CCD的机理进行了探讨。
Abstract:The damage threshold of an interline transfer CCD irradiated by different wavelength nanosecond Raman lasers was studied and an experiment with 496 nm, 574 nm, 630 nm Raman and multispectral Raman laser-irradiated CCD was carried out. The damage threshold interval of dot damage, line damage and total damage were observed and collected by adjusting the energy of each focused Raman laser. By careful fitting, the damage threshold interval and the damage possibility curve of the CCD at different laser energy densities with each Raman laser were estimated. Results showed that the multispectral Raman laser including a residual pump laser is most effective for damaging the CCD than the monochrome Raman laser, and the 630nm Raman laser acts better than 574 nm and the 496 nm Raman laser. The microscopic images of the damaged CCD were reviewed, and the electronic characters of the damaged CCD were also tested to understand the damage and blindness mechanism of a Raman laser pulse-irradiated CCD.
Key words:
- multi-wavelength laser /
- Raman laser /
- CCD /
- damage threshold
表 1 拉曼池输出的混合激光谱线的能量分布
Table 1. Energy distribution of the mixture laser from a Raman cell
激光波长/nm 脉冲能量/μJ 能量占比 聚焦光斑面积/(10−4 cm2) 496 2.8 3.2% 1.07 532 64.5 73.3% − 574 8.3 9.4% 0.713 630 11.5 13.1% 1.09 其他 0.9 1.1% − 混合激光 88 100% 2.73 表 2 不同波长激光辐照下CCD的点损伤阈值,线损伤阈值和面损伤阈值拟合结果
Table 2. Fitting damage threshold of dot, line and total damage by different wavelength lasers
拉曼激光波长 点损伤阈值/mJ·cm−2 线损伤阈值/mJ·cm−2 面损伤阈值/mJ·cm−2 496 nm 8.66±0.13 86.8±2.0 308.6±18.5 574nm 9.57±0.85 38.85±0.27 113.1±3.5 630 nm 4.48±0.13 9.23±0.44 33.8±0.2 混合波长 2.46±0.02 8.53±0.18 35.0±0.0 -
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