Abstract:The large aperture sky survey telescope needs closed-loop error correction based on the feedback of its wavefront sensing system, so as to give it a better conform to its limit detection ability. In this paper, firstly, the basic theoretical expression of sub region curvature sensing is derived. Then, a joint simulation model is established. The process of sub region curvature sensing is simulated and analyzed by using a combination of optical design software and numerical calculation software. Finally, by setting up a desktop experiment, the cross-comparison of single- and multi-target curvature sensors is carried out to verify the correctness of the algorithm. Compared to the traditional active optical technology, the method proposed in this paper can improve the detection signal-to-noise ratio and sampling speed by expanding the available guide stars. For the standard wavefront, compared with the single guide star curvature sensor, the error is 0.02 operating wavelengths (RMS), and the error is less than 10%, which can effectively improve the correction ability of the active optical system.
Key words:
- large aperture survey telescope /
- active optics /
- curvature sensing /
- natural guide star
图 10 5 cm相干长度下湍流对像差提取的影响。(a)焦前能量分布;(b)焦后能量分布;(c)光强分布差分;(d)短曝光重建波前(10 ms);(e)长曝光重建波前(100 ms);(f)原始波前
Figure 10. Influence of turbulence on aberration extraction at 5 cm coherence length. (a) Pre-focal energy distribution; (b) post-focal energy distribution; (c) light intensity distribution difference; (d) short exposure reconstruction wavefront (10 ms); (e) long exposure reconstruction wavefront (100 ms); (f) original wavefront
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