Research progress of gas detection based on laser-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy
Abstract:Laser-Induced Thermo-Elastic Spectroscopy (LITES) is a new developed gas detection technology based on the thermoelastic effect of Quartz Tuning Forks (QTF). The QTF has the advantages of low cost, small volume, high sensitivity and wide spectral response range, and the LITES is becoming a vital method for trace gas detection. In this paper, the basic principle of gas concentration measuring based on LITES is firstly analyzed. Secondly, from the perspective of various technical methods, this paper introduces the methods for improving the sensitivity of QTF detectors, and reviews the research progress of LITES system in recent years. The performance of these systems is evaluated by the signal amplitude, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), minimum detection limit, and Normalized Noise Equivalent Absorption (NNEA) coefficient. Finally, the practical application of LITES in the field of gas detection technology is briefly reviewed, and the methods for further improving its sensitivity are summarized and prospected.
Key words:
- thermoelastic spectroscopy /
- quartz tuning fork /
- gas detection /
- sensor /
- photoacoustic effect
图 2 何应等人提出的LITES系统的实验装置及实验结果[25]。(a) 实验装置示意图; (b) TDLAS和LITES系统的2f信号和噪声
Figure 2. Experimental setup and experimental results of the LITES system proposed by He Ying et al.[25] (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup; (b) 2f signal and noise of TDLAS and LITES system. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [25] © The Optical Society.
图 4 卫婷婷等人提出的LITES系统的实验装置及实验结果[31]。(a) 实验装置示意图; (b) QTF在700 Torr和8 Torr 下测量的2f信号
Figure 4. Experimental setup and experimental results of the LITES system proposed by Wei Tingting et al..[31] (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup; (b) 2f signals measured by QTF at 700 Torr and 8 Torr. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [31] © The Optical Society.
图 5 马欲飞等人提出的多音叉LITES系统的实验装置及实验结果[32]。(a) 基于两个腐蚀QTF的LITES示意图;(b) 测量的2f信号
Figure 5. Experimental setup and experimental results of multi-QTF LITES system proposed by Ma Yufei et al..[32] (a) Schematic diagram of LITES based on two corroded QTFs; (b) the measured 2f signal amplitude. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [32] © Elsevier.
图 6 马欲飞等人提出的QEPAS-LITES系统实验装置及实验结果[34]。(a) 实验装置示意图;(b) 在25 °C和大气压下测量的2f信号;(c) T2=67.5 °C时测得的2f信号;(d) P2=500 Torr时测得的2f信号
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of experimental setup and experimental results of QEPAS-LITES system proposed by Ma Yufei et al..[34] (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup; (b) 2f signals measured at 25 °C and atmospheric pressure; (c) 2f signals measured at T2=67.5 °C; (d) 2f signals measured at P2=500 Torr. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [34] © Elsevier.
图 7 乔顺达等人提出的S-QEDS系统实验装置及实验结果[35]。(a) 实验装置示意图;(b) S-QEDS、LITES和QEPAS系统的2f信号
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of the experimental device and experimental results of the S-QEDS system proposed by Qiao Shunda et al..[35] (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup; (b) 2f signal of the S-QEDS, LITES and QEPAS system. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [35] © The Optical Society.
图 8 基于定制QTF的LITES系统示意图及实验结果。(a) 定制QTF的示意图[36];(b) LITES传感器示意图[37];(c) LITES 传感器系统的2f信号[37]
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of LITES system and experimental results based on customized QTF. (a) Schematic diagram of custom QTF[36]; (b) schematic diagram of the LITES sensor[37]; (c) 2f signal of LITES sensor systems[37]. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [37] © The Optical Society.
图 9 涂有PDMS和rGO涂层的QTF和实验结果。(a) 具有PDMS和rGO涂层的QTF示意图[43]; (b) PDMS和rGO涂层QTF的SEM图像[41]; (c) 不同QTF检测到的300×10−6 NH3的2f信号[41]; (d) 图(c)中2f信号的幅值和SNR[41]
Figure 9. Schematic diagram and SEM of QTF with PDMS and rGO coating and corresponding experimental results. (a) Schematic diagram of QTF with PDMS and rGO coating[43]; Reprinted with permission from Ref. [43] © The Optical Society. (b) SEM image of QTF with PDMS and rGO coating[41]; (c) the 2f signal of 300×10−6 NH3 detected by different QTFs[41]; (d) the amplitude and SNR of 2f signals in figure (c)[41]
图 10 CH4泄漏现场测量照片及CH4浓度随时间变化曲线[45]。(a-c)吉林大学校园远程燃气泄漏测量照片; (d) 作为测量时间函数的测量CH4浓度曲线
Figure 10. Photo of on-site measurement of CH4 leakage and curve of CH4 concentration varying with time[45]. (a-c) Photographs of the long-distance gas leakage measurement on Jilin University campus; (d) measured CH4 concentration curve as a function of measurement time
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