为改善高功率掺铥光纤激光器(TDFL)的输出性能,提高系统的光-光转化效率,研制了一种全光纤主振荡功率放大结构(MOPA)的高功率TDFL,可在连续(CW)和准连续(QCW)两种模式下工作。首先,搭建了激光振荡器,对种子源激光器的输出特性进行研究。接着,搭建掺铥光纤放大器,并将其与激光振荡器连接,研究MOPA结构光纤激光器的输出特性。最后,在QCW调制模式下,分析MOPA结构光纤激光器的脉冲特性。结果表明:激光振荡器实现了中心波长为1940 nm连续稳定的激光输出,最高平均输出功率为18.56 W,斜率效率为54.84%,且光谱无拉曼成分。利用该低功率连续激光作为种子源经过自制的掺铥光纤放大器后,平均输出功率可达66.9 W,斜率效率为48.48%。当系统在QCW模式下工作时,可以实现对频率和占空比的调节,且当频率为75 Hz,占空比为10%时,经计算其峰值功率为80.3 W。该研究方案对研制2 μm波段更高功率的MOPA激光器具有参考意义。
Abstract:In order to improve the output performance of a high-power Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser (TDFL) and increase the optical-optical conversion efficiency of the system, a high-power TDFL with an all-fiber Main Oscillation Power Amplification (MOPA) structure was developed, which can operate in both Continuous Wave (CW) and Quasi-Continuous Wave (QCW) modes. First, a laser oscillator was built to study the output characteristics of the seed source laser. Then, a thulium-doped fiber amplifier was built and connected to the laser oscillator to study the output characteristics of the MOPA structured fiber laser. Finally, the pulse characteristics of the MOPA structured fiber laser were analyzed under the QCW modulation mode. The laser oscillator achieved a continuous and stable laser output with a central wavelength of 1940 nm, and the highest average output power was 18.56 W. The slope efficiency was 54.84%, and the spectrum was free of Raman components. Using this low-power continuous laser as the seed source through the homemade thulium-doped fiber amplifier, the average output power could reach 66.9 W, and the slope efficiency was 48.48%. When the system operated in the QCW mode, the frequency and duty cycle can be adjusted, and the peak power was calculated to be 80.3 W when the frequency was 75 Hz and the duty cycle was 10%. This research is of referential significance for the development of higher power MOPA lasers in the 2 μm band.
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