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Orbital-angular-momentum spectra in coherent optical vortex beam arrays with hybrid states of polarization

YANG Ceng-hao CHENG Ke HUANG Hong-wei LIAO Sai LIANG Meng-ting SHU Ling-yun

杨嶒浩, 程科, 黄宏伟, 廖赛, 梁梦婷, 舒凌云. 杂化偏振涡旋合成光束阵列的轨道角动量谱[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(6): 1501-1511. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0010
引用本文: 杨嶒浩, 程科, 黄宏伟, 廖赛, 梁梦婷, 舒凌云. 杂化偏振涡旋合成光束阵列的轨道角动量谱[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(6): 1501-1511. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0010
YANG Ceng-hao, CHENG Ke, HUANG Hong-wei, LIAO Sai, LIANG Meng-ting, SHU Ling-yun. Orbital-angular-momentum spectra in coherent optical vortex beam arrays with hybrid states of polarization[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(6): 1501-1511. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0010
Citation: YANG Ceng-hao, CHENG Ke, HUANG Hong-wei, LIAO Sai, LIANG Meng-ting, SHU Ling-yun. Orbital-angular-momentum spectra in coherent optical vortex beam arrays with hybrid states of polarization[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(6): 1501-1511. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0010


  • 中图分类号: O436.1

Orbital-angular-momentum spectra in coherent optical vortex beam arrays with hybrid states of polarization

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0010
Funds: Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province (No. 2023NSFSC0049); Key Laboratories of Sensing and Application of Intelligent Optoelectronic System in Sichuan Provincial Universities (No. ZNGD2202)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    Yang Ceng-hao (1999—), male, was born in Mian yang, Sichuan province, M. Phil, College of Optoelectronic Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology. His research interests are on propagation and control of High-Power Lasers. E-mail: scaxych@163.com

    Cheng Ke (1979—), male, was born in Jianli, Hubei province, Ph.D., Professor, College of Optoelectronic Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology. His research interests are on propagation and control of High-Power Lasers. E-mail: ck@cuit.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: ck@cuit.edu.cn
  • 摘要:



  • Figure 1.  Phases, polarization states and OAM spectra of a single Gaussian beam with different vortex and polarization topological charges. (a), (d), (g): (l, m)=(1, 0); (b), (e), (h): (l, m)=(1, 1); (c), (f), (i): (l, m)=(2, 2). (d), (e), (f): RH (Red) and LH (Blue) elliptical polarizations

    Figure 2.  The OAM spectra (d)−(f) and OAM densities (g)−(i) of beam arrays in coherent combinations with radial, rectangular and linear symmetries at z=0. (a), (d), (g): radial symmetry; (b), (e), (h): rectangular symmetry; (c), (f), (i): linear symmetry. The parameters are (l, m)=(1, 1), η=0, N=6 and ρ=5w0

    Figure 3.  (a) Illustration of center optical vortex at (0, 0, z) of beam array in coherent combination with radial symmetry at the output plane. (b) Spiral phase of center optical vortex. (c) OAM-spectra of the corresponding beam arrays. The parameters are (l, m)=(0, 0), η=+1, N=8 and ρ=5w0

    Figure 4.  The correspondence between the topological charge of central optical vortex and maximal modes of OAM-spectra for different l, m, η at z=10ze. (a)−(d): m=1; (e)−(h): m=2. The parameters are N=8 and ρ=3w0

    Figure 5.  OAM-spectra, spiral phases of central optical vortex and OAM densities for different η. η=−2, η=−1, η=1, and η=2 respectively, from top to bottom.The parameters are (l, m)=(1, 1), N=8, ρ=3w0 and z=10ze

    Figure 6.  (a) Effect of polarization topological charges and the number of beamlets on weight of maximal mode in OAM-spectra for a fixed l+η=2. (b) The corresponding weight in OAM-spectra for (l, η)=(2, 0). The other parameters are the same as in Fig. 5

    Figure 7.  Locations of non-zero weight for OAM-modes with an increasing of the number of beamlet N for different l, η and m. (a): (l, η, m)=(1, 0, 1), (b): (l, η, m)=(2, 0, 1), (c): (l, η, m)=(1, 0, 2), (d): (l, η, m)=(1, −2, 1)

    Table  1.   The maximal weights of OAM spectra of the proposed beam arrays for different symmetry and beamlet numbers, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2

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