摘要: 针对共光路菲索型动态干涉仪采集到的4幅条纹图的空间一致性问题,本文提出一种新的条纹图配准思路,将条纹图与图像配准在关联度上人为分开,搭建了专用的图像配准装置,避免将条纹与十字丝标志点混在一幅图像内而影响干涉仪的测量精度。首先通过本文搭建的条纹图配准装置对4台CMOS相机进行物理配准,然后利用整体最小二乘法对采集到的同一十字丝刻划板图像进行十字丝提取、交点计算以及旋转量计算,实现共光路菲索型动态干涉仪条纹图像的点点对应。最后通过试验对比验证,证明了本文算法的配准精度优于模板重心法的配准结果,互相关度达到96%以上。Abstract: To solve the space coherence of four inference fringe images by dynamic interferometer with common light paths, we propose a new notion of inference fringe image registration. We detach the conjunction between the inference fringe image and the image registration, and erect the equipment for inference fringe image registration, avoiding the confusion between the inference fringe and the cross wire which can influence the measure precision of dynamic interferometer. First, we realize the physical registration of four CMOS cameras using the equipment for inference fringe image registration. Then, we go along the image registration for the four cross wire images of the depict board by cross wire extraction, intersection point caculation and rotution amount caculation using total least square method, and realize the parallelism between the pix and pix of the dynamic interferometer with common light paths. Last, experimental results show that the proposed registration algorithm can improve the accuracy of registration, which is superior to that of the method of bary center. The method proposed in this paper can achieve the cross-correlation value of over 96%.
表 1 整体最小二乘法得到配准结果
Table 1. Registration result using total least square
图像序列 十字丝中心点 平移量 直线斜率 旋转量/(°) 0相位 (1 030,1 045) (6,21) 0.013 6 0.779 2 180相位 (1 016,1 021) (-8,-3) 0.001 3 0.074 5 90相位 (1 023,1 025) (-1,1) 0.000 8 0.045 8 270相位 (1 019,1 027) (-5,3) 0.001 1 0.063 0 表 2 互相关度计算结果
Table 2. Result of cross-correlation value
相机标号 配准前 整体最小二乘法 重心法 (1,2) 0.15 0.96 0.83 (1,3) 0.17 0.97 0.84 (1,4) 0.14 0.97 0.82 (2,3) 0.12 0.98 0.92 (2,4) 0.10 0.96 0.91 (3,4) 0.15 0.97 0.90 -
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