摘要: 太赫兹波段占有宇宙微波背景(CMB)辐射以后宇宙空间近一半的光子能量,该波段在天文学研究中具有不可替代的作用,因此太赫兹天文学的研究,具有极其重要的科学意义。本文系统介绍了基于超高灵敏度太赫兹超导探测技术的太赫兹相干探测器发展状况,包括超导隧道结混频器(SIS)和超导热电子混频器(HEB),以及以超导动态电感探测器(MKIDs)和超导相变边缘探测器(TES)为代表的非相干探测器的研究。在此基础上,展望了该领域未来发展趋势,对我国太赫兹天文探测技术的发展具有一定的参考意义。Abstract: Nearly half of the photon energy is occupied in Terahertz waveband after the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in space, which plays an irreplaceable role in the study of astronomy. So the terahertz astronomy research has extremely important scientific significance. In this paper, we introduce the development of the terahertz coherent detectors bosed on ultra high sensitivity superconducting terahertz detection technology, including superconducting tunnel junction the mixer (SIS) and superconducting hot electron mixer (HEB), and non coherent detectors such as superconducting dynamic inductance detector (MKIDs) and superconducting transition edge detector (TES). The future development trend is also prospected. The review for superconducting THz detectors has the reference significance for the development of astronomical terahertz detection technique in our country.
Key words:
- THz /
- superconductor /
- coherent detection /
- incoherent detection
图 3 (a)2.7 THz量子级联激光器结构示意图,(b)模拟仿真整形前2.7 THz量子级联激光器远场辐射方向图,(c)模拟仿真整形后2.7 THz量子级联激光器远场辐射方向图和(d)实验测得整形后2.7 THz量子级联激光器远场辐射方向图
Figure 3. (a) Structure diagram of the 2.7 THz QCL, (b) far field radiation pattern of the 2.7 THz QCL before the simulation shaping, (c) far field radiation pattern of the 2.7 THz QCL after the simulation shaping and (d) far field radiation pattern of the 2.7 THz QCL after the testing
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