摘要: 随着光学测量与遥感领域的不断发展,折反式光学系统对重量、体积和环境适应性等需求不断提高。基于增材制造技术的金属反射镜以其便于实现优化设计、快速制造和加工工艺性好等优点,逐渐获得国内外学者的关注与研究。与传统金属反射镜相比,增材制造金属反射镜可以提高反射镜的结构刚度,同时可实现更高程度的轻量化。增材制造反射镜可以满足光学系统对环境适应性和快速性的需求。本文首先讨论了金属反射镜的评价指标;其次,综述了国内外在基于增材制造技术制备金属反射镜领域的发展现状和技术参数,从增材制造金属反射镜的基体设计与制备和基体的后处理2个方面展开论述;然后,通过分析,总结了增材制造金属反射镜的技术路线和关键技术;最后,对增材制造反射镜的应用前景提出了展望。Abstract: With the rapid development of optical measurement and remote sensing, the demand for weight, volume and environmental adaptability in folding optical systems are continuously increasing. Metal mirrors based on additive manufacturing technology are gradually gaining the attention and research of scholars at home and abroad for their easy to realize optimum design, rapid manufacturing process and high processing performance. Compared to conventional metal mirrors, additively manufacturing metal mirrors strengthen the stiffness of the mirror and achieve a higher degree of weight reduction simultaneously. Furthermore, additively manufacturing mirrors can meet the environmental adaptability and rapidity requirements of optical systems. This paper first discusses the evaluation indicators of metal mirrors. Second, the development status and technical parameters of metal mirrors based on additive manufacturing technology are reviewed. The design and preparation of metal mirrors for additive metal fabrication and the post-treatment of substrates are discussed. Then, through analysis, the preparation process and key technologies of additively manufacturing metal mirrors are summarized. Finally, prospects for additively manufacturing mirror applications are presented.
表 1 增材制造金属反射镜技术参数
Table 1. Technical parameters of additively manufacturing metal mirror
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1.5 nm(RMS)1~4 nm 消除 英国天文科技中心[19, 21, 26-27] AlSi10Mg 40 mm NiP 16 nm(RMS) 1.9 nm / 德国弗劳恩霍夫激光技术研究所[13] AlSi12 200 mm NiP 12.5 nm(RMS) 0.4 nm 未消除 德国弗劳恩霍夫激光技术研究所[16] AlSi40 200 mm NiP 7.3 nm(RMS) 0.4 nm / 坎普望远镜光学有限公司[28] AlSi40 210 mm NiP 300 nm(PV)
74 nm(RMS)/ / 通用电力公司[12] AlSi10Mg 150 mm / 43.2 nm(RMS) 7 nm / 亚利桑那大学[15, 24] AlSi10Mg 220 mm / 255 nm (PV) 22 nm / 表 2 铝合金反射镜改性参数
Table 2. Modification parameters of aluminum alloy mirror
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